
ecliptic n.,adj.【天文學】黃道(的);日[月]蝕(的)。 ...


The orbit of venus , for example , is inclined 3 . 4 degrees to earth ' s orbit , so even when venus is in the same direction as the sun ( “ in conjunction , ” as astronomers say ) , most of the time it is too far above or below the ecliptic to cross the sun ' s face [ see top illustration in box on opposite page ] 例如金星軌道和地球軌道有3 . 4度的夾角,因此即使金星和太陽在同一個方位(天文學家稱之為合) ,大部份時候金星都遠在黃道的上方或下方,而不是橫過太陽表面(見右頁金星凌日的幾何學) 。

However , the moon s path is tilted about 5 to the ecliptic , making the alignment of the sun , the earth and the moon in a straight line a relatively rare case . only when the sun and the moon are close enough to the nodes crossing points of the ecliptic and the moon s paths during full moon , a lunar eclipse can occur 要注意的是,由于太陽和月球在天空的軌道稱為黃道和白道并不在同一個平面上,而是有約5度的交角,所以只有太陽和月球分別位于黃道和白道的兩個交點附近,才有機會連成一條直線,產生月食。

The ecliptic coordinate system is defined as one which uses the ecliptic and the vernal equinox as the zero point . the ecliptic longitude of a body is the angular distance from 0 to 360 from the vernal equinox , measured eastwards along the ecliptic to the intersection of the body s circle of longitude 黃道是太陽在天球運行的軌道黃道座標系統是以黃道為基礎的座標系統:黃道經度是以春分點為零度的大圓圈,向東起計共360度,而天體的黃道經度是天體的經圈與春分點的角距離。

The angular distance between the sun and a planet or the moon . it is also the difference in ecliptic longitude between the sun and other celestial objects . when an inferior planet follows the sun in its daily motion , appearing east of the sun in the evening , it is in eastern elongation 距角是太陽和太陽系內天體的角距,亦即是太陽和它們相差的黃經,以在日落后見于西方的內行星來說,這時內行星在處于太陽的東面,若這時的角距是在這段時間內最大的,便是

The moment at which a body in the solar system has an ecliptic longitude differing from that of the sun by 180 , so that it lies opposite the sun in the sky and crosses the meridian at about midnight 在地球觀測,太陽系內天體的黃經和太陽黃經相差180時,稱為沖。內行星沒有沖的現象,當一天體沖的時候,在地球上是觀測這天體的良好機會,因除了整夜可見這天體外,天體會于各地子夜時分經過各地的子午圈。

Time was reckoned by the position marked off in constellations on the ecliptic in which the moon rises daily in the course of one lunation ( the period from new moon to new moon ) and the sun rises monthly in the course of one year 時間是通過黃道帶星座的劃分位置而計算,月亮是在一個陰歷月期間每天上升(新月到新月的周期) ,太陽是在一年中的每個月上升。

The inclination of the axis of the earth to the ecliptic of 23 degrees and the orbiting of the earth around the sun are the causes of the suns rays impinging sometimes more on the northern hemisphere , sometimes more on the southern hemisphere 由于地球自身23 . 5度的軸偏及圍繞太陽運行造成了陽光照射不均,有時在北半球多,有時在南半球多。

The naksatra section of the ecliptic ( 13 20 ' ) was divided into four parts of 3 20 ' each ; thus , two full naksatras and a quarter of one make up one zodiac period , or sign ( 30 ) 拿卡薩塔的黃道帶1320 ’度,被劃分成四部分,每部分為320 ’度,因此,二又四分之一個拿卡薩塔形成了一個黃道帶周期,或者標記為30度。

Some important constellations are , for example , the zodiac . zodiac are the constellations that the ecliptic passes through . ophiuchus is not one of the zodiac , see 黃道在天球上經過不少星座,統稱為黃道十二宮,這些星座是較重要和較為人所熟識的蛇夫座不算是黃道星座之一,請參看

For the parade in march - april , the five planets will appear from west to east near the ecliptic in the order of mercury , venus , mars , saturn and jupiter 今年三月至四月的匯聚中,五顆行星在黃道附近的位置由西向東順序是水星、金星、火星、土星和木星。

The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times 這儀器又稱渾象,球上刻有星宿、赤道、黃道等,主要是用來顯示天體在不同時間的位置。

The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times 這儀器又稱渾象,球上刻有星宿赤道黃道等,主要是用來顯示天體在不同時間的位置。

The yellow dashed lines are constellation boundaries , the red dashed line is the ecliptic , and the shades of blue show milky way areas of different brightness 圖中黃色虛線為的分界線,紅色虛線為,藍色陰影為不同亮度的。

Note : ecliptic does also go through the constellation ophiuchus , but due to historical reason , it is not included in the zodiac 注:其實現在的黃道還會經過蛇夫座,但根據傳統的習慣,我們通常不會將它列入黃道星座之內。

For a similar reason , the moon does not eclipse the sun once a month as it orbits earth ; it generally passes above or below the ecliptic 同樣地,月球繞行地球也不是每個月都造成日食;它通常會由黃道的上方或下方通過。

When the abscissor , cutter of life , or killing planet is on the ecliptic , and an infortune in an angle , the native will die a violent death 當命盤中的奪命星位于黃道,且兇星落在盤中四角之一位置時,盤主為暴死之命。

This band includes the ecliptic , the path of the sun ' s apparent movement through the constellations of the zodiac over the course of a year 這條帶子涵蓋了黃道,也就是一年里太陽運行經過12個星座的路徑。

Recall that vernal equinox is one of the two intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic 赤經計算的起點為春分點,相信你仍記得春分點是天球赤道和黃道的其中一個相交點。

The alignment of two bodies in the solar system so that they have the same ecliptic longitude as seen from the earth 在地球觀測,當太陽系內兩天體的黃道經度簡稱黃經相同時,稱為合。