
ebullience n.1.沸騰;起泡。2.(感情的)奔放。adj.-lie...


President of our group lu liubo made an ebullience address , general manager lu yifeng also made an exchanges speech . the president mr . stephen who was invited to attend the meeting from america digelay company gave an introduction about the big power 會上,我集團董事長陸留伯作了熱情洋溢的致辭,總經理陸一峰作了交流發言,應邀參加會議的美國迪吉萊公司總裁史蒂芬先生作了大功率白光led項目情況介紹。

Hip - hop is a kind of street culture deducted by afro - americans from sports to let out emotions , featuring with dancers ' outburst of power , exaggerating body movements , and a feeling of ebullience brought by vigour of the whole body 街舞是美國黑人由一種發泄情緒的運動演繹成的街邊文化,其特色是爆發力強,肢體所做的動作亦較夸張,以全身的活力帶來熱情澎湃的感覺。

She burst into the room with her usual ebullience , and immediately started talking to everyone 她像往常一樣興高采烈地沖進了房間,立刻跟大家攀談起來

As always, when he came here, he felt his natural ebullience desert him . 如同往常一樣,他覺得自己一踏進這個地方,那種天生的感情洋溢的性格頓時就化為烏有。