
eastern adj.1.東(方的);〔E-〕 東方的,東部(地方)的...

eastern larch

The quarrelsome and impoverished lands of eastern europe were roosevel's sop to stalin for his country's terrible sacrifices . 東歐那些貧瘠而爭吵不休的國家是羅斯福拋出來給斯大林,要他的國家作出可怕犧牲的誘惑物。

The machadodorp tuff and agglomerate, which is higher-lying than the ongeluck lave, is known only from the eastern transvaal . 層位較昂格魯克巖流為高的馬卻多多普凝灰巖及集塊巖,只見于德蘭士瓦東部。

The ark was discovered stranded on the eastern shore, where it had long before been driven, with the prevalent northwest winds . 他們在湖東岸找到了擱淺的方舟,它老早就被這一帶常刮的西北風吹到這里。

The suez debacle in 1956 was a sudden eye-opener to the decline of british power in the eastern mediterranean . 1956年蘇伊士運河事件上的垮臺,突然使世人恍然大悟,看出英國在東地中海的地位衰落了。

We went down accordingly into the waste, and began to make our tiresome and devious travel towards the eastern verge . 于是我們走下山坡,進入了荒原,開始踏上了向東面邊緣前進的疲勞而迂回的旅途。

He had much influence with the king--so much, in fact that he was soon appointed governor of all the eastern part of haiti . 他對國王的影響很大,實際上,很快他就被任命為海地東部全境的總督。

I wrote in my summary report, and our forces thus released would help stabilize the eastern front and defend the west . 我在總結報告里寫道,這樣我們部隊可以騰出手來協助穩定東線并保衛西線。

In succession, keith gave fresh courses to swissair, one of the twas, lake central, and eastern . 基思挨次為瑞士航空公司的飛機,兩架環航中的一架,中央湖和東航的客機提供了新的航道。

Thus in the course of a few weeks the whole of our eastern battlefleet was eliminated as a fighting force . 這樣,在幾個星期之中,我們的東方戰列艦隊作為一支戰斗力量已被消滅了。

The post of governor of madura was one of key importance in view of the need to secure the king's eastern flank . 國王就需要保衛他的東側,所以馬都拉總督的職位是極為重要的。

The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives . 構成我們農場東面場界的河流,一直在我們的生活中起著重要的作用。

They would not stop until they had taken over south-east asia, just as they had eastern europe . 他們在占領整個東南亞正像他們占領東歐一樣之前是不會罷手的。

Eastern senators, in turn, obtained increased duties on woolens, silks, and other manufactured products . 東部參議員則得以增加毛織品,絲綢和其它制成品的關稅。

He had good family connections, an eastern education, an excellent mind, and unquestioned integrity . 他有優越的家族關系,受過東部教育,才智出眾,正直無暇。

He had good family connections, an eastern education, an excellent mind and unquestioned integrity . 他有優越的家族關系,受過東部教育,才智出眾,正直無暇。

The sun and moon, stars and planets sweep daily from the eastern horizon to the western horizon . 太陽和月亮、恒星和行星每天從東方地平線向西方地平線掠過。

Murphy immediately launched the rest of his aircraft on a sweep of the eastern mediterranean . 墨菲立即下令其余的飛機全部起飛,一起飛向地中海東部巡視。

Until ten years ago eastern religions did not meet with any widespread interest in the united states . 直到十年前,東方宗教在美國還沒有引起廣泛的興趣。

From our point of view, having the eastern treaties in abeyance was exactly the ideal posture . 從我們的觀點看,使東方條約暫被擱置正好是最理想的形勢。