
easily adv.1.容易,不難。2.順利,流暢。3.安逸。4.遠...


It is easily abated by the use of penicillin . 應用青霉素可以容易地把它消滅。

Lily was not easily disconcerted . 麗莉不是輕易氣餒的女人。

She would easily be mystified, easily crushed . 她很容易受到蒙蔽,受到摧殘。

He was easily contained by everything about him . 他很容易受周圍的事物感化。

I'm just not easily discouraged . 我只不過不肯輕易死心罷了。

Chinese and hawaiians lived together easily . 中國人同夏威夷人相處得很和睦。

Success or failure is more easily appraised . 成功或失敗的鑒定是比較容易的。

You wo n't take me in that easily ! 你別以為我那么容易上當。

He closed the case and breathed more easily . 關上箱子后他才輕輕地舒了口氣。

Hallucinations are so easily produced . 錯覺是很容易產生的。

I can easily bring down the paddler . 我一槍就可打中劃船人。

The thickness of sima is not easily measured . 硅美圈的厚度是不容易測量的。

I can easily finish it tonight . 我今晚輕而易舉就可把它做完。

The horse cleared the fence easily . 那匹馬輕易地越過了籬笆。

I picked her out in the crowd quite easily . 我在人群中一下子把她認出來了。

Anyone with a discerning eye can easily see ( that ... ) . 明眼人一看便知。

You will not easily find his peers . 他是一個無與倫比的人物。

The proof above can easily be adapted . 很容易就可以把上面的證明改寫一下。

The affected children are easily distracted . 受影響的兒童易發生精神錯亂。