
ease n.1.快活;安心;悠閑;自在。2.容易,不費事。3.(...

ease off

I'm bound to ease a rendon patient out of the world . 但是我必須去把萊敦的一個病人超度到另一個世界去。

I felt that he was not at ease with the prepared manuscript . 我感到他對原來準備好的講稿有點局促不安。

I am very busy just now ; wait until things have eased up a little . 我現在非常忙,等事情緩一緩再說。

He passed through life in perfect ease and good humour . 他一輩子就是這么隨隨便便、舒舒服服的過去。

She was not entirely at ease with the jesting birdsong . 她和愛開玩笑的伯德桑在一起并不感到很自在。

Prices are easing off . 價格正在松動。

I had eased up in my headlong fling to prove my maturity . 我不再輕率毛躁地急于證明自己是大人了。

The young courier looked ill at ease as he made answer . 那個小傳令兵見問,似乎覺得有點不好回答。

Nim eased his way out . 尼姆悄悄溜走了。

Gral lagher was ill at ease and then abruptly frantic . 加拉赫愈聽愈不安,后來突然就象瘋了一樣。

She was set at ease by learning that her husband had been saved . 聽說丈夫獲救,這才使她放心了。

The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint . 他態度隨便,我也就不再痛苦地覺著拘束。

If you are less at ease in it, i will aid you . 如果你在這方面還不能運用自如,我可以幫助你。

Cato seemed ill at ease . 卡托似乎局促不安。

For ease of calculation, we must give up accuracy . 為了計算方便,不得不放棄對精確度的要求。

He gave me a prescription and advised me to ease up on work . 他給我開了藥方,勸我減輕工作。

My life might have been passed in ease and luxury . 我滿可以在舒適豪華的環境中逍遙一輩子。

The flow of traffic eased off . 交通已經通暢。

He said with an ease that surprised him . 他話說得相當從容不迫,竟使他自己也感到有點吃驚。