
earthbound adj.1.局限于地上的;世俗的;平凡的。2.朝地球走的...


Tragedy contains them both , goes beyond both , illuminates both , but comes to no conclusion . tragedy could , it is true , be called pessimistic in its view of the evil in the universe as unremitting and irremediable , but the blight man was born for , the necessary condition of existence . it is pessimistic , also , in its view of the overwhelming proportion of evil to good and in its awareness of the mystery of why this should be - the “ unfathomable element “ in which ahab foundered . but it is optimistic in what might be called its vitalism , which is in some sense mystical , not earthbound ; in its faith in a cosmic good ; in its vision , however fleeting , of a world in which all questions could be answered 悲劇包含了樂觀與悲觀,超越了兩者,反映了兩者,但是并不最終指向任何一方.的確,悲劇可以被認為是悲觀的,其原因在于它始終視世間的邪惡為永不止息和無法救贖的.然而那些悲劇人物卻是人類存在之必然疾患的證明.它是悲觀的,同時也在于它意識到在這世上惡相對于善是多么強勢的存在,并且這一事實的不合理性也一直糾結在它心里.這一深不可測的迷惘導致了以色列國王亞哈的沉淪.然而,悲劇又是樂觀的,因為其強大的生命力.這種在某種程度上神秘的,超乎世俗的生命力.它的樂觀性在于其對宇宙本質之良善的信心,在于其即使短暫,卻實在的,認為世間萬種疑惑終將被解答的信念

Derek yee , is a magic solar baby sent earthbound by a benevolent god , raised by an old carpenter , has martial art superpowers and “ green kryptonite “ loses them during solar eclipses . that s when the evil baby counterpart shows up . demon - paced martial arts action by jackie chan s kung - fu classmates yuan pin and yuen hua compliments toho studio style special optical effects 故事描述,由老木匠撫養成人的石生爾冬升飾,某日被一山洞吸引,無意觸及晶石上之天書,元神現身,將其身世說明,并教石勤練神功,原來石實為玄神教主降落凡間以應天數之元嬰。

Alongside the ideal life , there s the necessities to think of , and the purest designs are earthbound , secured by threads which , ludicrous though they may be , are made of steel and cannot be easily snapped 除了這種理想生活,還有物質生活,最純潔的決心都會有一些庸俗可笑但又是鐵鑄成的鏈索把它拴在這個地上,這些鏈索是不容易掙斷的。

Well , i m earthbound , too , and you might imagine how difficult it was to implement such a thing , without any idea what a continuation is and what it should look like in python 由于這個新窗口對象是“ file “選擇項的實際下拉菜單,所以程序使用. box ( )方法圍著它繪制了一個框架。

Beholders prefer inaccessible locations that earthbound foes can reach only with difficulty 眼魔喜歡住在陸行敵人難以達到和接近的敵方。

An earthbound existence 世俗的生活方式

Indeed the structures of flight vehicles are very flexible when compared with bridges, buildings, and earthbound machines . 實際上,與橋梁、建筑和地面上的機器相比,飛行器結構是非常靈活的。

He practiced the art of earthbound realism . 他實踐生根于土壤的現實主義藝術。