
earnest adj.1.熱心的;誠摯的,真摯的,認真的。2.重要的。...

earnest money

It was particularly strange, and it was even particularly affecting, to see this crowd of earnest faces, whose honesty in the main no competent observer free from bias could doubt, so agitated by such a leader . 特別奇怪的,甚至特別動人的,就是看到這一群誠實的人會被這么一個領袖所大大鼓動他們的誠實大抵是任何一個沒有偏見的、有資格的觀察者所不能懷疑的。

There was something earnest and inventive in her tone, which at times, in its strained deliberation, suggested a person of high culture speaking a foreign language . 她的發言吐語顯得真摯,不流于俗套,在她聚精會神侃侃而談的時候,使人覺得象是一位具有高度文化修養的人在用外語發表意見。

That she was doing for an earnest reason what would most naturally be done in jest was at any rate a safe secret . 本來這樁舉動,要只是鬧著玩的,才最合情理,而她作來,卻是為了正經的目的;這種情形本身就至少是秘密的保障。

There was something ludicrous as well as painful in the little parisienne's earnest and innate devotion to matters of dress . 這個小巴黎人迫切地,天生地熱中于服飾,這中間有一種令人痛苦的東西,也有一種可笑的東西。

The eager and earnest young man already experienced hardship turmoil and the rigors of a full-length day of adult work . 這位熱心和誠摯的年輕人已經經歷了成年人整天從事的艱苦的,繁重的和嚴峻的工作。

The old man still held the collar of the boy's jacket: he was trembling and his face was earnest and bright and wild . 老頭仍然抓著孩子的衣領;他全身顫抖著,滿臉發著光,神情急切而粗野。

The autumn twilight gathered in, and from her place isabel could see the rain, which had now begun in earnest . 秋日的暮色正逐漸籠罩下來。伊莎貝爾可以從她坐的地方,望見秋雨正愈下愈猛。

Tom seemed to think there was decidedly room for improvement in me, and seemed very earnest that i should be converted . 湯姆似乎覺得我身上肯定是有缺點的,所以迫切希望我能皈依上帝。

It was the earnest and dogmatic way in which she presented her political convictions that put everyone's back up . 她在表明自己的政治觀點時,由于過分嚴肅和死板,反而引起人們的反感。

All this-so easy now to see-was then the subject of prolonged and earnest argument, extending over days and weeks . 所有這些現已顯而易見,但是當時卻是曾經過長時間激烈辯論的題目。

She took the opportunity of his being earnest in talking with me, and got out of the room, and i never saw her more . 她乘他專心同我談話的機會,溜出房子,我以后再也看不見她了。

In view of these above-mentioned circumstances, there seemed to be three lines of action deserving of earnest study . 由上述情形觀之,似乎有三條行動途徑值得我們認真研究。

The three men, after a short preliminary explanation, now set about their preparation to move the ark in earnest . 三個漢子經過短暫的商議后,急切地著手準備平底船的啟航。

Little previous ceremony is required to bring the matter to an issue when both parties are really in earnest . 只要雙方確有誠意,事先不需要什么繁文縟節就可能圓滿解決。

Sam knew exactly what he meant, but he kept on a look of earnest and desperate simplicity . 他說的是什么,山姆心里清清楚楚,可是他依然裝出一副笨得簡直不可救藥的樣子。

I lack words to express the full extent, or the earnest abandon of his persuasion . 我缺乏適當的言詞來充分表達它的內容,或描述他說服我時的那種不顧一切的熱情。

I never can make that chap out, or tell whether he is in earnest or only chaffing . 那家伙真叫我捉摸不透,他那些話,我不知道是當真的,還是不過跟我鬧著玩的。

Kennedy returned to the problem of how to convince the russians that the west was in earnest . 肯尼迪重新提到如何使俄國人對西方的認真態度深信不疑的問題。

He perceived gazing upon him a pale and earnest countenance, which he was not slow to recognize . 他瞧見一張蒼白的,嚴肅的臉在望著他,他不難認出那是誰。