
eared adj.1.有耳朵的;…耳的。2.有把兒的;…把的。3....


In may , the injured black eared kite was found floundering in aberdeen harbour , with petroleum covering his feathers . he fully recovered after receiving intensive treatment at kadoorie farm botanic garden s wild animal rescue centre kfbg warc for 2 months and will be released to the wild 本年5月,一頭受傷的麻鷹被發現在香港仔避風塘中使勁掙扎,羽毛上沾滿油污,其后被送往嘉道理農場暨植物園的野生動物拯救中心下稱野生動物拯救中心接受治療,兩個月后的今天終于完全康復,并能野放回大自然。

It seems plain that schemers would choose more sequestered quarters to arrange their plans , that politicians would not gather here in company to discuss anything save formalities , where the sharp - eared may hear , and it would scarcely be justified on the score of thirst , for the majority of those who frequent these more gorgeous places have no craving for liquor 顯然,陰謀家會選個比這平靜的地方去策劃他們的陰謀。政界人物除了交際應酬,不會在這里聚集商量要事,因為隔座有耳。酒癮這個理由也幾乎不能解釋人們為什么聚集此處,因為光顧那些豪華酒店的大多數人并不貪杯。

“ i saw a shape in the water under a platform that looked vaguely animal - like , although i suspected it was probably just a plastic bag . after a minute or so , and to my complete surprise , it moved and i realized it was black eared kite 他憶述當時的情況:當時我看見在平臺下的水中有東西在晃動,乍看之下好像是動物,又好像是膠袋,然而不消一分鐘它就動起來了:原來是一頭麻鷹,這個發現教我驚訝不已。

Our winter visitors , including swans , short - eared owls , meadow larks and shrikes , are departing for their breeding grounds , while swallows , warblers , hummingbirds , thrushes and other species are arriving for the nesting season here 冬季的訪客?像天鵝?短耳貓頭鷹?還有野百靈鳥?百舌鳥?開始上路遠赴繁殖地?而在這里筑巢繁殖的?如燕子?苔鶯, ?蜂鳥?畫眉等?陸續來到。

The plane disa eared in stormy weather last week with 102 aboard . the commander said the metal was found in three locatio on the sea floor , off the country ' s western coast 這架載有102人的飛機上星期在暴風雨中失蹤。這位指揮官說,搜尋人員在印尼西海岸外海底的三個地方找到了這些金屬物。

Torrez noticed what a eared to be makeup on the baby ' s forehead , corvington said . when she ru ed the forehead , makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark 科文頓說,特蕾茲注意到了嬰兒額頭上有用化妝品涂抹的印記。她擦了擦孩子的額頭,化妝品所掩蓋的一小塊胎記露了出來。

The results are in : the ugly , big - eared animal found this summer in southern texas is not the mythical , bloodsucking chupacabra . it ' s just a plain old coyote 結果出爐了?今夏在南德州發現的丑陋、大耳動物不是神秘的吸血怪物卓柏卡布拉。 ?只是一頭相當老的土狼。

And it wa ' t that people who were already feeling bad ent more time on the internet , but that using the net actually a eared to cause the bad feelings 這不是說已經有不良感覺的人在網上花費了更多的時間,而是說使用因特網似乎確實誘發了人們的不良感覺。

The ministry said thursday the hogs were infected with a strain of blue - eared pig disease , and warned the illness could spread during hotter summer weather 農業部星期四說,這些豬染上了豬藍耳病變異病毒,并警告說,這種病在炎熱的夏季有可能擴散。

Still , some have undeniable charm , like the 2 gram ( 0 . 07 ounce ) bumblebee bat or hairy - eared dwarf lemur , the world ' s smallest primate 仍有一些物種擁有不可否認的魅力,比如2克( 0 . 07盎司)重的大黃蜂蝙蝠或者世界上最少的靈長類,毛耳朵的侏儒狐猴

There may be dog - eared copies of the works of james michener lying about , and douglas adams , “ hitchhiker ' s guide to the galaxy “ sits in your backpack 詹姆斯-米契納的作品和道格拉斯-亞當斯的《銀河系漫游指南》可能會深得射手座的喜愛。

Fidel castro tur 80 later this month . he has a eared increasingly frail in recent years and is rumored to have parki on ' s disease 菲德爾.卡斯特羅8月底滿80歲。最近幾年,他的身體看來越來越虛弱。有傳聞說,他患有帕金森氏綜合癥。

Within the sar , the black eared kite is a very widespread species . they feed on dead fish , offal and snakes , winged termites , frogs and small birds 麻鷹在本港的分布范圍甚廣,主要以死魚動物內臟蛇飛白蟻蛙和小鳥為食糧。

Louis , thanks to its popularity in the united states , then disa eared again in 1912 at stockholm because sweden ' s national law ba ed it 但是拳擊比賽又于1912的斯德哥爾摩奧運會上消失,因為瑞典的法律禁止這項運動。

Is a good site for bird watching . kingfishers , egrets , herons , black - eared kite and collared crow , magpie are commonly found in here I是本港觀鳥勝地之一,在這襄可經常見到翠鳥、鷺、麻鷹、白頸鴉及喜鵲。

Now21 , her only family souvenirs are some dog - eared photographs given to her by the grandmother who raised her 現在,她21歲了,而她身邊僅有的家庭紀念品是一些卷了角的照片,那是撫養她的祖母給她的。

Now 21 , her only family souvenirs are some dog - eared photographs given to her by the grandmother who raised her 現在,她21歲了,而她身邊僅有的家庭紀念品是一些卷了角的照片,那是撫養她的祖母給她的。

I am a long - eared owl . my mother laid eggs in an old nest in a hole in a tree . she sat on the eggs until we hatched 我是個長耳貓頭鷹,我媽媽在樹洞一個老的鳥巢中生蛋,她一直坐到蛋孵出我們為止。

He reached into his pocket , pulling out a tattered , dog - eared photo that he ' d obviously had for years 他把手伸進口袋,掏出一張破破爛爛的、卷角的、他顯然已經擁有了很多年的照片。