
eads n.伊茲〔姓氏〕。


It drummed up two german states with airbus factories and a state - owned bank , as well as several private ones , to ensure parity between french and german shareholdings in eads , presumably in an effort to protect as many of airbus ' s 29 , 000 german workers as possible 該財團招攬了兩個擁有空客工廠的德國聯邦州、一家國有銀行以及數家私有銀行以保證法德兩國在eads中持有均衡的股權,大概是為了盡可能多地保護空客2萬9千名的德國員工。

With its air passenger traffic growing at double - digit rates in recent years , china will need about 2 , 650 new passenger aircraft over the next 20 years , worth $ 289 billion , according to the latest projections from airbus , a unit of european aerospace group eads 根據歐洲宇航防務集團下屬的空中客車公司的發展規劃,中國的民用空運業每年以2位數的速度上漲,在未來20年內,中國將需要增加2650架新民用客機,總值2890億美元。

This week fedex became the first customer to cancel a380 orders , while airbus revealed emergency plans to cut its suppliers from 3 , 000 to 500 ; and eads reported a net loss in the third quarter of 195m ( $ 250m ) 本周,聯邦快遞公司第一個提出取消a380的訂單,與此同時,空客披露了將其供應商從3000個削減至500個的緊急預案,并且, eads第三季度報出的凈虧損額達到了1 . 95億歐元( 2 . 5億美元) 。

The latter sold out earlier this year ; but eads has become unstable as its core german and french shareholders have started selling down their stakes , while their governments hover as buyers , anxious to retain influence and protect jobs ( see article ) 后者在本年初已經售出清理,但eads也有變數,因為其德法核心股東已經開始減持,兩國政府都在蓄勢買入,以保住影響力和就業機會。

As the french lagard re group started selling its eads shares , a government - owned bank stepped in to buy part of it ? purely , it seems , so that france would retain a bigger share than the germans 就在法國拉格代爾集團開始出售手中的eads股份的時候,一家國有銀行介入并買進了其中一部分,很顯然,似乎這樣做,法國所持有的股份就會比德國多。

European defense and aerospace group eads said on tuesday its board had appointed fabrice bregier , 45 , as chief operating officer at troubled commercial aircraft manufacturing subsidiary airbus 歐洲航空防務和航天公司( eads )周二發表聲明,宣布任命45歲的布里斯?布雷吉耶為空客公司的首席運營官。空客公司目前正在遭受商業飛機制造的困擾。

Casgc president li hai and airbus president ( front , first from right ) and chief executive officer , and eads co - ceo , louis gallois ( front , first from left ) sign the agreements and shake hands 空中客車公司總裁兼首席執行官路易?加洛瓦(前排,左一)和中國航空器材進出口集團公司總經理李海(前排,右一)簽署協議和意向書后握手。

But those senior managers who have so far survived both the resignations and a big overhaul of the once dysfunctional relationship between airbus and eads face an unwelcome distraction at the very least 但那些幸免于辭職,也幸免于空對客與歐洲宇航防務集團一度不正常的關系的調查的高級管理人員,至少要面對討厭的煩心事。

A cumbersome twin - headed structure that gave eads german and french co - chairmen and co - chief executives has been complicated by the desire of airbus bosses in toulouse to go their own way Eads德法聯合主席和聯合首席執行官們所面臨的“雙頭”結構很是繁瑣,在圖盧茲的空客老板們又要各奔前程,這讓情況變得更加復雜。

The company ' s failure to provide more timely information about the scale of its problems also triggered investigations into the share dealings of executives and eads board members 空客沒有及時提供關于它遇到的問題大小的信息,也導致了對執行官和歐洲宇航防務集團董事會成員所占股份的調查。

His aim was to broker a deal with angela merkel , germany ' s chancellor , to simplify the odd bicephalic leadership structure at airbus ' s parent company , eads 他的目的是與德國總理安吉拉?默克爾達成一筆交易,以簡化空客母公司? ?歐洲航空防務和航天公司( eads )內部古怪的雙頭領導結構。

Last week the german government organised a special consortium to take up the 7 . 5 % of shares in eads , airbus ' s parent , being sold by daimlerchrysler 上周,德國政府組織了一個特別財團,對戴姆勒-克萊斯勒出售的歐洲航空防務與航天公司( eads ) (空客的母公司) 7 . 5的股份進行認購。

The delay will knock a further 4 . 8 billion euro dollars ( $ 6 billion ) off profits and 6 . 3 billion euro dollars off revenues at eads between 2006 and 2010 這一延期將令歐洲航空防務與航天公司在2006年至2010年間再次損失48億歐元(合60億美元)的營業利潤,以及63億歐元的營業收入。

Delays in the airbus a380 superjumbo have forced eads to examine changes to the way it produces large commercial jets , including an overhaul of airbus management 大型客機a380的延期使得空客公司不得不重新審視大型商務客機的生產業務,包括對空客管理方面的檢查。

Eads , the standard - bearer of the european aerospace and defence industry , was born out of a common european desire to create a competitor to america ' s boeing 歐洲航空和防務產業的領軍者eads的誕生源于歐洲國家的一種共同意圖,即創立一家抗衡美國波音公司的企業。

Meeting at the airbus head office between angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy on july 16th was due to bring the drama of eads to a climax 安格拉?默克爾和尼古拉?薩科齊7月16日在空客總部舉行的會議原本會將歐洲航空防務與空間集團( eads )上演的劇情推向高潮。

Politicians in both countries are on their soapboxes howling about job losses and calling for the repayment of subsidies that eads received from local governments 法、德兩國政客都大是宣揚對于裁員的不滿,并要求歐航償還從當地政府獲得的經濟援助。

Before taking over as co - chief executive of eads earlier this year he was boss for ten years at sncf , the french state - owned railway firm 今年年初,加洛瓦接任歐航聯席首席執行官之職,在此之前,他擔任法國國營鐵路公司( sncf )的總裁達十年之久。

And this week eads confirmed rumours that the delay to the a380 had increased to two years and spelled out the financial consequences 本周,歐洲航空防務與航天公司證實了a380的交付將再次延期兩年的傳言,并清楚說明了延期交付的財政后果。