
dyspnea n.【醫學】呼吸困難 (opp. eupnea)。-n(...


In relation to their quality of life ( qol ) , our study found that functional domains ( physical , role , cognitive , emotional , social and global qol ) were strong predictors of depressive symptoms such as fatigue , nausea and vomiting , pain , dyspnea , sleeping disturbance , appetite loss , constipation and diarrhoea 疲累、作嘔作悶、心口疼痛、呼吸困難、睡眠不寧、反胃、便秘及疴嘔肚痛這類生理問題,以及患者對社交生活的抗拒等心理毛病,事實上都與患者的抑郁傾向有密切的關連。

While dyspnea is commonly observed during pregnancy , the presence of a disproportionately severe symptom may imply a serious complication , such as status asthmaticus , foreign body impaction , tumor obstruction , pulmonary embolism , infection , or heart dysfunction 摘要懷孕特別是后期會有呼吸困難現象,但如果癥狀過于嚴重異于尋常,則可能是并發其他嚴重合并癥,如氣喘重積狀態、異物或腫瘤阻塞、肺栓塞、感染、心臟功能異常等。

Major cardiac diseases have relatively few symptoms , including pain ; dyspnea ; weakness and fatigue ; palpitations ; light - headedness , presyncope , and syncope ; and other symptoms that may be due to the cardiac disease or may accompany it 一些主要的心臟疾病癥狀相對較少,包括疼痛、呼吸困難、虛弱和乏力、心悸、頭暈、暈厥先兆和暈厥;其他一些癥狀,有的可能是由心臟疾病引起的,有的則是伴隨心臟病發生的。

Generally , anaphylaxis requires the acute onset of symptoms involving the skin ( hives , pruritis , flushing ) , respiratory system ( dyspnea , wheeze , stridor ) , or cardiovascular system ( hypotonia , syncope ) 總之,診斷速發型過敏反應要求有急性出現癥狀包括皮膚(麻疹、搔癢、發紅) 、呼吸系統(呼吸困難、氣急、喘鳴) 、或心血管系統(肌張力減退、暈厥) 。

Herein , we report the case of a 17 - year - old girl who presented with exertional dyspnea and chest pain and who was studied at our emergency department with the final diagnosis of lcx atresia detected by 64 - slice ct 我們報告一位17歲年輕女性病人,因運動時反覆胸痛及氣促于急診就醫,成功以64切電腦斷層診斷為左側冠狀動脈?旋枝先天性閉鎖。

As compared with those diagnosed at an older age , patients diagnosed at ? 6 years were more likely to be male , have dka and a shorter symptom duration , and report more episodes of preceding viral infection and dyspnea 發病年紀在6歲以下的病人有較高比例為男童、糖尿病酮酸癥、近期病毒感染以及呼吸困難的情況,而且發病前癥狀時間較短。

Results : subjective ratings of irritation in eyes , nose , throat , and dyspnea were significantly higher during the g and ga conditions , when compared with during the c condition 結果:主觀評估的眼睛、鼻子與喉嚨刺激及呼吸困難在水性油漆混合物及油漆與氨混合物之暴露下顯著地高于乾凈空氣暴露的狀況。

Conclusion : the placement of the expandable nitinol stent via rigid bronchoscopy is feasible and effective in achieving a patent airway , relieving dyspnea , and improving the quality of life 結論:在治療食道癌合并氣管侵犯上,經硬式支氣管鏡置放金屬支架可有效的維持氣道通暢并改善病患的生活品質。

Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea are unusual in pulmonary disease , except in a very advanced phase when the increased efficiency of breathing in the upright position is manifest 肺病患者的端坐呼吸和陣發性夜間呼吸困難不常見,除非是在很晚期,此時,直立位呼吸功率增加明顯。

A 77 - year - old man , who had undergone tace and hepatic surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma twice , was admitted due to biliptysis and dyspnea 一位因肝癌而曾經接受過兩次局部肝切除手術和動脈導管化學栓塞的七十七歲男性病人,因為氣促以及咳嗽中帶有膽汁而住院接受治療。

Results : the atomization group was prominently better than the control group in alleviating acute paroxysmal dyspnea , clearing up rales and shortening length of hospitalization 結果:治療組在緩解急性發作肺部羅音吸收住院時間等方面明顯優于對照組。

Dyspnea due exclusively to inadequate cardiac output is not affected by posture but varies with physical exertion and may be associated with weakness and fatigue 完全由心排血量不足引起的呼吸困難不受體位影響,但隨體力活動而變,可伴有虛弱和乏力。

In many cardiac disorders , dyspnea due to a fixed cardiac output and that due to pulmonary congestion occur simultaneously ( eg , in mitral stenosis ) 在許多心臟疾病中,由固定心排血量引起的呼吸困難常與肺充血引起的呼吸困難同時發生(如二尖瓣狹窄) 。

We report a rare case of a 26 - year - old primigravida at 34 weeks ' gestation complicated with malignant lymphoma presenting as severe dyspnea and orthopnea 我們報告一個罕見病例, 26歲初產婦于懷孕34周并發惡性林巴瘤以嚴重呼吸困難及端坐呼吸為表現。

Background : brain natriuretic peptide ( bnp ) is useful in diagnosing congestive heart failure ( chf ) in patients presenting in the emergency department with acute dyspnea 背景:腦鈉素可以用來判斷急診中的急性呼吸衰竭是否由充血性心力衰竭引起。

Sudden onset of dyspnea happened 7 days after lumbar spine surgery and ventilation / perfusion scan and angiography performed right away were suggestive of pe 我們報告一位61歲女性于開完脊椎手術7天后,突發性呼吸急促至本院求診。

He complained of a sore throat , foul odor in the mouth , progressive dyspnea , and fever 2 months after the completion of radiotherapy 放射線治療退出后2個月,病患主訴咽喉痛,口臭,呼吸困難與發燒。

He complained of a sore throat , foul odor in the mouth , progressive dyspnea , and fever 2 months after the completion of radiotherapy 放射線治療結束后2個月,病患主訴咽喉痛,口臭,呼吸困難與發燒。

Patients with steroid - induced myopathy may also experience a significant decline in respiratory function , leading to symptomatic dyspnea 類固醇肌病患者同時伴有顯著的呼吸功能下降,導致呼吸困難。