
dyspeptic adj.1.消化不良的,胃弱的;由消化不良引起的。2.陰...


The chief pleasure of these philosophers lay in going every saturday night , when work was done , to chaseborough , a decayed market town two or three miles distant ; and , returning in the small hours of the next morning , to spend sunday in sleeping off the dyspeptic effects of the curious compounds sold to them as beer by the monopolizers of the once independent inns 這些哲學家們的主要快樂,就是在每個星期六的晚上收工后到兩三英里以外的已經衰敗了的市鎮獵苑堡去一直到深夜過后的第二天凌晨,他們才回到家里,在星期天睡上一整天,把他們喝的那種有礙消化的混合飲料消化掉,這種飲料是從前獨立經營的酒店的壟斷者們作為啤酒賣給他們的。

On the contrary , intemperance of food intake ( improper diet ) and dyspeptic retention of the stomach will bring about both the dysfunction of the stomach in descent but that of the spleen ' s transportation and transformation , causing such symptoms as abdominal distention , diarrhea 相反,飲食不節、食滯于胃不僅會影響胃的沉降功能,脾的運化功能也會受到影響,產生腹脹、腹瀉的癥狀。