
dyspepsia n.消化不良,胃弱 (opp. eupepsia)。


Dyspepsia may be a transient minor problem . it can also be due to underlying disease like peptic ulcer , which , if not properly treated , can lead to perforation or bleeding . moreover , stomach cancer can give dyspepsia symptoms 消化不良可能只是暫時的小問題,但這些病徵亦可能顯示已有消化性潰瘍,即俗稱胃病,假若不加理會,嚴重的可導致穿孔或胃出血。

Dyspepsia may be a transient minor problem . it can also be due to underlying disease like peptic ulcer , which , if not properly treated , can lead to perforation or bleeding 消化不良可能只是暫時的小問題,但這些病徵亦可能顯示已有消化性潰瘍,即俗稱胃病,假若不加理會,嚴重的可導致穿孔或胃出血。

Dyspepsia is a common symptom in the elderly . it refers to various abdominal discomforts like nausea , bloating , feeling of fullness , stomach ache , loss of appetite , heartburn , and acidic plash 消化不良一般指中上腹或腸胃不適的徵狀,包括上腹痛、作悶、胃脹、食欲不振、反酸、噯氣等。

Caraway seed has been used as a remedy for many disorders of the digestive system , including constipation , irritable bowel syndrome , colic , heartburn , indigestion , flatulence , and dyspepsia 荷巴百里香長久以來被用作治療各種消化問題如便秘、腸道過敏、絞痛、心痛、胃酸過多、消化不良、胃氣等。

Physical aspect : rapid breathing breathing difficulty , palpitations , dizziness headache , muscle tension pain , dry mouth dyspepsia , abdominal discomfort , insomnia , lack of appetite 身體方面:呼吸急速困難,心跳加速,頭暈頭痛,肌肉拉緊疼痛,口乾消化不良,腹部不適,失眠食欲不振。

Dyspepsia is a common symptom in the elderly . it refers to various abdominal discomforts like nausea , bloating , feeling of fullness , stomach ache , loss of appetite , heartburn , and acidic plash 消化不良一般指中上腹或腸胃不適的徵狀,包括上腹痛作悶胃脹食欲不振反酸噯氣等。

Different causes of dyspepsia require different forms of treatment . follow the advice of the doctor and complete the full course of treatment to reduce the chance of relapse 治療消化不良的藥物很多,醫生會因應不同病理成因來處方。應按指示完成療程,以減低復發的機會。

He sought out the old chief ' s symptoms and offered him dyspepsia tablets from the medicine - - chest , pills , and a varied assortment of harmless tablets and capsules 他仔細觀察了這位老酋長的癥狀,從藥柜里取出一些消化藥交給他? ?有藥丸和幾種無副作用的藥片、膠囊之類。

Treatment of the syndrome of spleen - deficiency and qi stagnation of functional dyspepsia by taking the pills of zhi - zhu made from unripe bitter orange , citrus sinensis and citrus aurantiun 酸橙與甜橙枳實所制枳術丸治療功能性消化不良脾虛氣滯證的臨床療效比較

Thirty thousand a year was all right , but dyspepsia and inability to be humanly happy robbed such princely income of all its value 三萬元一年固然好,但是因此得了消化不良,連像人一樣快活一下也不會,這樣的巨大收入全無價值可言。

Clinical research on jianpi xiaozhang granule in treating functional dyspepsia or fullness of spleen - deficiency and qi - stagnation syndrome 健脾消脹顆粒治療功能性消化不良脾虛氣滯證痞滿臨床研究

Clinical observation on treating functional dyspepsia with integration of traditional chinese and western medicine and psychotherapy 中西醫結合加心理治療功能性消化不良的臨床觀察

Moreover , stomach cancer can give dyspepsia symptoms . hence , if there is suspicion , seek medical advice 此外,早期胃癌亦可能有類此的病徵,因此,如有懷疑就應及早延醫診治。

Clinical study on dyspepsia of patients with depression after apoplexy treated by wenyang fenzhi zhentui decoction 溫陽奮志振頹湯治療中風后抑郁患者消化不良癥的臨床研究

Supplemented liujunzi decoction and catgut implantation at acupoint in treating 34 cases of functional dyspepsia 柴芍六君子湯配合穴位埋線治療功能性消化不良30例臨床觀察

Clinical study on effect of acupuncture on gastrointestinal motility in the patient of functional dyspepsia 針刺對功能性消化不良胃腸動力影響的臨床研究

Dyspepsia appearing in a person on long term aspirin or non - steroid anti - inflammatory treatment 長期服用亞士匹靈或止痛藥人士,出現消化不良徵狀;

Clinical observation of quot; tiaowei xiaopi decoction quot; in treating 60 cases of functional dyspepsia 調胃消痞方治療功能性消化不良60例臨床觀察

Diagnostic value of combined detection both endoscopy and b - mode ultrasound in outpatients with dyspepsia 超聯合檢查對消化不良門診患者的診斷價值