
dysfunction n.【醫學】機能障礙,機能不良。adj.-al


Analysis of risk factors for multiple organ dysfunction syndrome after multiple trauma 多發傷并發多臟器功能障礙綜合征危險因素分析

Brindley ' s bladder stumilator for the treatment of bladder dysfunction in spinal injury patient 膀胱刺激器重建脊髓損傷后膀胱功能

An investigation on eyesight dysfunction of elementary and secondary school students in linghai 凌海市中小學生視力低下狀況的調查

Dysfunction of central nervous system in passive immunized myasthenia gravis models 被動免疫重癥肌無力模型中樞神經系統損害的探討

Dysfunction induced by 褪黑素對

Clinical study on psychogenic erect dysfunction treated by shengjing zhuyu decoction 生精助育湯治療心理性勃起功能障礙的臨床研究

Risk factors and prognosis of contrast - induced nephropathy with renal dysfunction 腎功能不全患者發生造影劑腎病的危險因素和預后

Study on dysfunctions of interhemispheric cooperation in patients with schizophrenia 精神分裂癥患者大腦兩半球功能協同異常研究

Clinical and prognosis analysis of multiple myeloma patients with renal dysfunction 多發性骨髓瘤腎功能不全患者臨床與預后分析

There were only 85 of the 199 respondents working in adult physical dysfunction 其中從事成人生理疾患之職能治療人員僅85位。

The effects of sensory integrative dysfunction on learning and behavior of children 兒童感覺統合失調對學習和行為影響的研究

Clinical observation of quot; cupai decoction quot; in treating 51 cases of ovulatory dysfunction 育嗣湯治療少精弱精癥300例

Early rehabilitaiton training on kinetic dysfunction after craniocerebral trauma 早期康復訓練治療顱腦外傷性運動功能障礙

Anatomical study of forearm rotational dysfunction and its clinical application 前臂旋轉功能障礙的解剖研究及其臨床應用

Clinical analysis of 142 pregnant women with liver dysfunction 比較兩組治療前后臨床療效及疼痛程度應用目測類比評分法

During the follow - up , 3 patients died of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 7例患者隨訪其中3例死于多功能臟器衰竭。

Cases of treating psychogenic erectile dysfunction with shugan yishen decoction 治療黃體功能不全性不孕202例臨床研究

Study on the reversibility of renal dysfunction in workers exposed to cadmium 鎘致作業工人腎功能損害可逆性研究初探

The term “ hemochromatosis “ is used when organ dysfunction occurs 當發生器官功能障礙時,則用“血色素沉著癥”表示。