
dwindle vi.1.減少,變小,縮小;變瘦。2.衰落;變壞,退化。...


Dishonest money dwindles away , but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow 11 [和合]不勞而得之8財,必然消耗;勤勞積蓄的,必見加增。

That has left little spare production capacity and , in america at least , dwindling stocks 產能已經沒有余量了,并且,至少在美國,庫存也在下降。

But it seems scrutiny of the cia ' s activities in europe is unlikely to dwindle 但是,似乎對中情局在歐洲活動的詳細調查不大可能會大事化小。

Dishonest money dwindles away , but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow 11不勞而得之財,必然消耗。勤勞積蓄的,必見加增。

The thirteen days dwindled to nine , and michael had given up looking for help 十三天的期限縮短至九天,邁克爾幾乎放棄了尋求幫助的希望。

The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling 而致辭聲和觥籌交錯的祝酒聲也變小了,成了嘟囔和叮當作響之聲。

That ' s a heavy blow to the country ' s dwindling forests , “ he told china daily 他告訴中國日報說,這是對我國日益萎縮的森林的沉重打擊。

Usage dwindled after he moved to kansas city , mo . , to work for newspapers and radio 后來,他搬到密蘇里州的堪薩斯市為報紙和電臺

Enquiries are dwindling 詢盤正在減少

Enquiries are dwindling 詢盤正在減少。

And her anger began dwindling down as though the blow had calmed her 她的火氣慢慢消了,似乎是那記耳光讓她平靜下來。

Roars past camera , dwindling to a mere speck on the horizon 汽車轟鳴著從鏡頭前駛過,漸漸縮小成地平線上的一個斑點。

They formed them in good order again , but their number was steadily dwindling 重新整頓軍隊,但人數已越來越少了。

The convoy of prisoners had dwindled even more than the other two convoys 在這三股當中,俘虜押送隊減員最多。

The novel dwindles away to a most unsatisfactory ending 那本小說愈讀愈乏味,最后以令人很不滿意的結局收場。

Drought has dwindled the crops 干旱使農作物歉收。

The novel dwindles away to a most unsatisfactory ending 那本小說愈讀愈乏味,最以令人很不滿意的結局收場。

Locals worry about the precious , dwindling cowboy culture 當地人還對珍貴的、不斷萎縮的牛仔文化感到擔憂。

The minute you begin to forgive yourself , you start to dwindle 人都是在原諒自己的那一分鐘開始懈怠。