
dust n.1.塵,灰塵,塵土,塵埃。2.〔英國〕垃圾,廢品;灰...

dust band

Violent winds periodically drive clouds of dust around mars . 狂風間歇地席卷火星上的塵云。

The rain has laid the dust . 雨已經使灰塵不揚。

There is not a speck of dust . 一點灰塵也沒有。

The rain will settle the dust . 雨將使塵埃平息。

The mountains dusted with snow . 大雪覆蓋著群山。

He blew the dust off the book . 他吹掉書上的灰塵。

This is also as dry as dust . 這同樣是枯燥無味的。

He lettered in dust . 他在塵土上寫下了這么幾個字。

But i didn't really care how many people bit the dust . 可我才不管有多少人命歸黃泉哩。

The dust had settled on everything . 到處都是積塵。

Curtains are dust collectors . 窗簾上容易積上灰塵。

The dust in the air was golden in that first sun . 空中的灰塵在旭日中變成了金黃色。

Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road . 這時,一陣狂風卷起沿街的塵土。

The dust bowl era will return . 塵暴的時代將卷土重來。

Inhalation of dust should be avoided . 應避免吸入粉末。

Roger spat efficiently into the hot dust . 羅杰不住地往灼熱的灰燼中呸呸吐著唾沫。

The dust was blown about by the wind . 風吹得塵土飛揚。

Dust puffed around his heavy brown brogues . 刮起的灰塵一陣陣吹到他的粗革皮靴上。

I shook the dust of reno from my feet . 我憤然離開里諾。