
dusk adj.〔詩〕=dusky.n.1.薄暮,黃昏。2.幽暗...

dusk action station

Open from one hour after the park opens until dusk 營運時間:開園一個小時后至日落

Towards dusk the cannonade began to subside 接近黃昏時,炮彈聲開始平靜下來。

Swift and stately she moved away through the dusk 她迅速而莊嚴地從暮色中離去。

Dusk saw the little boy wandering in the street 黃昏時發現這個小孩在街上行走。

We could see nothing in the dusk of the hall 大廳里一片昏暗,我們什么也看不見。

The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn 路燈在黃昏時開,拂曉時關

The patient hounds lay down again in the soft red rust and looked up longingly at the swallows circling in the gathering dusk . 那一群獵犬也就在那軟紅土上坐了下來,饞涎欲滴地望著一群在暮色蒼茫中盤旋的燕子。

When the lingering dusk drew on, she stole out to effect some purchases necessary for her father's comfort . 等到天色慢慢地黑了,她便偷偷地走出去買了幾樣東西來使她的父親能享受享受。

Darkness accompanied by a thick fog, was gaining upon the dusk of february and the lamp in eustace street had been lit . 濃霧伴隨著黑夜,漸漸吞沒二月的暮色,尤思苔絲街上的燈亮了。

It was now deep dusk in the forest, and deepest in that part of it where these two were journeying . 這時,森林中暮色已深,而在他倆行走之處,則更是陰暗無比。

There, in a lovely dusk of green, the heart of moses herzog hangs like a peach . 就在那兒,在可愛的綠色暮靄中,摩西赫索格的心象一顆桃子,掛在枝頭。

In the dusk of the moonless if starry night, lights from windows shone vividly . 在沒有月亮卻是滿天星斗的夜空里,燈光從窗戶中明亮地照射出來。

His stride was the long, slow stride of the farmer who could work from dawn to dusk . 他的步伐慢而大,是一位能從早干到晚的農民的步伐。

When the short days of winter came dusk fell before we had well eaten our dinners . 到了日短夜長的冬天,晚飯還沒吃完,夜暮就降落了。

Once he even materialized before her as she was walking up the stairs at dusk . 有一回,她在朦朧的暮色中上樓,他甚至是在她面前顯靈。

The glow sank quickly off the field, the earth and the hedges smoke dusk . 那片霞光轉眼就在田野上消失,大地和樹籬都籠罩在薄暮里。

By dusk the americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the rhine . 到天黑時,美軍已在萊因河東岸有了一個堅強的橋頭堡。

The mail picked us up about dusk at the “royal george“ on the heath . 黃昏時分,郵車在灌木高地的“喬治王”旅店門前搭載了我們。

The dusk advanced on him steadily, rapidly, gathering in behind and before . 夜幕偷偷地迅速向他襲來,從四面八方把他包圍起來。