
dunlin n.(pl. dunlin, dunlins) 【鳥類】...


This survey also discovered 3 white pelicans , about 10 , 000wild geese and ducks include green - winged teal , eurasian wigeon , spotbill duck and mallard ; and also 5 , 000 plovers and curlews like eurasian curlew , dunlin , rufous - necked sandpiper , kentish plover and black - bellied plover ! con the other hands , a flock of about 1 , 000 swan geese anas cygnoides was discovered in wenling town at minjiang estuary on 8 january 2003 是次調查還發現3頭白鵜鶘,綠翅鴨赤頸鴨斑嘴鴨綠頭鴨等雁鴨類約1萬頭;白腰杓鷸黑腹濱鷸紅胸濱鷸環頸灰斑

As part of this work , the task force will be organizing a survey of the lower yangtze river in january 2004 for dunlin and other shorebirds that may be spending the non - breeding season there 2004年1月,工作小組將前往長江下游,替在非繁殖期間棲息該地的黑腹濱鷸及其他濱鳥進行調查。

These two records provide important evidence that the alaska dunlins are wintering in chongming dongtan and fishponds are often used as their foraging ground 這兩筆記錄提供了美國阿拉斯加黑腹濱鷸在崇明東灘越冬的證據,并同時反映出魚塘作為棲息地對冬候鳥的重要性。

The formation of a dunlin task force to promote awareness and conservation of shorebirds in general but of the dunlin in particular 成立黑腹濱鷸特別工作小組,提高人們對黑腹濱鷸及其他濱鳥的認識,并加以保護。