
dull adj.1.愚鈍的,感覺遲鈍的,呆笨的。2.鈍的,不快的...


A dull book lacks interest . 枯燥的書味同嚼蠟。

It was a dull play but at that jack enjoyed it . 那是出枯燥無味的戲,可是杰克還真喜歡它。

A chair always makes me feel respectable and dull . 椅子總叫我覺得是裝模作樣,乏味得很。

The style is difficult and dull . 文筆艱澀無味。

They're all good and wonderful and dull as hell . 他們全是大好人,但就是叫人膩味得要死。

In fact, so deep that the color is dull and unattractive . 事實上深到發暗就不吸引人了。

He felt a dull ache . 他感到有一種說不清楚的難過。

I am afraid i am very dull . 我這人恐怕是太愚鈍了。

A dull professor may have only a handful of students . 蹩腳的教授講課,聽眾寥寥無幾。

I bought english grammar and found them dull . 我買了英語語法書,可是發現它們很枯燥。

A cold dulls sb. 's taste . 傷風使某人吃東西沒味道。

There is not a dull line in the whole of the article . 整篇文章中沒有一行是乏味的。

He felt dull and confused . 他感到昏頭昏腦,心緒混亂。

His eyes had become dull and remote . 他兩眼茫然無神。

But the frenchman was dull and unresponsive . 但是這位法國人卻面色陰沉,頗為冷淡。

Words could not express the dull pain of these things . 話語是無法表達這些隱痛的。

It is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull . 是這悶熱的天氣使我興味索然。

A dull face invited a dull fate . 既有一張毫無光彩的臉,就只配過毫無光彩的生活。

His eyes had become dull and remote . 他的兩眼茫然無神。