
dukedom n.1.公爵領土,公國。2.〔英國〕公爵的地位[身分]。


Shi hou passed his father ' s word to zhou xu and they went to the dukedom of chen 石厚把他父親的主意告訴了州吁,然后他們來到了陳國。

Then he launched wars against other dukedoms and the people suffered 接著,他發動了同其他公國的戰爭,使衛國人民經受了很多痛苦。

These dukedoms often fought one another to expand their territories 這些國家常常為了擴大自己的領土而互相爭斗。

And within a dukedom , the struggle for power frequently occurred 而且,在一個公國內部,權力之爭也時常發生。

The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father ' s death 在其死后,侯爵就將繼承公爵的爵位。

On the dukedom system of the northern dynasties 北朝諸卿制度的變遷研究

The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father's death . 在其父死后,侯爵就繼承公爵的爵位。