
due adj.1.(債款等)當付的,應該付給的;(票據等)到期...

due date

The ship was sailing due south . 船向正南方航行。

He appeared in due course . 他在適當的時候出現了。

This may have been due to a convention among bankers . 這要歸因于銀行家們傳統的想法。

The new k-car will be due out within the year . 我們新型的K型車在一年內便可以推出了。

Let us preserve the forms due to society . 讓我們保持與我們的社會地位相適應的體統吧。

This is due to his acquiescence . 這是因為他的默許。

Today he was due for another session with aleks . 他今天預定和阿列克再進行一輪會談。

It's all due to her, to rebecca . 這全是麗貝卡的功勞。

Money is due him for his work . 他做了事,應付給他錢。

This in no sense is due to meanness . 這絕不是出于吝嗇。

Feudal dues were not got rid of . 封建稅收一直未能免除。

He went round the various offices to collect the dues . 他到各個辦公室去收會費。

The bill is due on the 1st inst . 這張支票本月一號到期。

She would be coming along to pearl harbor in due course . 她不久就要到珍珠港來。

This is due to a concourse of circumstances . 這是由于多種情況匯合在一起造成的。

There he found everything arranged in due order . 他發現一切都原封不動地在那兒。

He will progress in due course . 他將沿著規定的路線前進。

In due course there followed the pacific . 過了一定的時候,太平洋戰役跟著來了。

The second proof of theorem 26 is due to james . 定理26的第二個證明屬于詹姆斯。