
duddy adj.〔蘇格蘭語〕 襤褸的,破爛的。


You may be single , widowed , divorced , 1 or even a married woman with a fuddy - duddy hubby who doesn ' t like to travel 你可能是單身、喪夫、離婚,甚或嫁了一位不喜歡旅游的老古板丈夫。

Uncle ernest ' s a bit of an old fuddy - duddy , he still believes women shouldn ' t smoke 歐內其特叔叔是個老古董,他仍然認為女人不應該吸煙。

He is not a bit fuddy - duddy professor in a classroom of rowdy boys 在一間學生吵吵鬧鬧的教室里,他一點也不像一位一本正經的古板教授。