
duckweed 【植物;植物學】(鴨愛吃的)浮萍屬植物。


Abstract : this paper presents a new - type floating breakwater with the structure of “ duckweed ” . some circular wooden blocks were flexibly tied together and flat located on water surface . a series of experimental investigation were carried out . the experimental results show that 1 ) there are wave attenuation characteristics of the new - type floating breakwater ; 2 ) by comparing the two installation styles , the wave attenuation effectiveness anchored on the sea bed is better than that of anchored on the sea shore 文摘:模仿水生植物“浮漂”的結構形式,設計一種新形式的防波堤.將多塊圓形木板柔性連接成一體,平鋪于水面,對其進行了一系列的消浪效果的初步試驗研究.試驗結果表明,該結構具有消浪性能,并且其固定方式采用系泊于水下的消浪效果優于系泊于岸邊的

I have seen people wage wars for food , killing each other and forgetting to seek their “ true self “ . i have seen them waste their lives just for money , without a goal in life . like the rootless duckweed , they drift in whichever direction the current takes them 看著世界大多數的人拼死拼活,甚至為了吃互相殘殺引起戰爭,根本沒有自己的目標,一天過一天只為了錢為了口腹之欲而已,忘了找尋真我,像無根的浮萍,任由波浪推東就往東,推西就往西。

Have a rest and locate in brightness of flowers and birdsongs , sample the mystery of “ bodhi of a flower and one world , a leaf one “ silently ; look at the murmuring flowing water , try to figure out the secret that “ a leaf duckweed belongs to the sea , where not to meet in life “ quietly 小憩在鳥語花香處,靜靜地品味“一花一世界、一葉一菩提”的神奇;看著潺潺的流水,默默地揣摩“一葉浮萍歸大海,人生何處不相逢”的奧妙。

( 3 ) uv - b radiation increased the phenylalanina ammonia - lyase ( pal ) activity in leafy thallus of duckweeds , and as a consequence , flavonoids were accumulated . flavonoids synthesis induced by supplementary uv - b is an adaptive response of duckweeks under enhanced uv - b radition ( 3 )紫萍可以通過提高uv - b吸收物質如類黃酮合成酶苯丙氨酸氨裂解酶( pal )活性,促進類黃酮的積累來適應uv - b輻射的脅迫。

Contents of cd , pb , cu and zn in duckweed and alternanthera philoxeroides there were determined . as a result , high loadings of zn and cu in both plants were found ; in the duckweed , high content of pb was also observed 對香花橋中小河流中生長的水葫蘆和水花生cd 、 pb 、 cu 、 zn的含量進行測定,結果表明這兩種水生植物zn和cu的累積量均很高;而浮萍對pb也有明顯富集。

Planting flowers invites the butterflies , and in the same way rocks invite clouds , the pine invites winds , a water pond invites duckweed , a terrace may be said to invite the moon , bananas invite the rain , and willows invite cicadas 藝花可以邀蝶,累石可以邀云,栽松可以邀風,貯水可以邀萍,筑臺可以邀月,種蕉可以邀雨,植柳可以邀蟬。

It features a picturesque artificial lake . with a lakeshore densely planted with willow trees and the water lilies and duckweed floating on the water , this place is an idyllic arcadia :在這個明澈的人工湖景區,湖畔垂柳遍植,潭面水蓮浮萍飄蕩,仿如置身仙境,是個名不虛傳的觀光勝地。

Duckweeds ( spirodela polyhiza ) were used as my experiment material in the present thesis to study physiological and biochemistryresponses to suoolementary uv - b radition 本文以紫萍( spirodelapolyhiza )為材料,研究了紫萍在生理生化機制方面的響應,以期為同類研究提供參考。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 像浮萍類的植物,它們漂浮在靜止和緩慢流動的水面上,而那些有根而且莖干柔韌的植物則能在快速流動的溪流中生長。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 像浮萍一樣的植物漂浮在靜止和緩慢流動水面上,而那些有根而且莖干柔軟的植物能在快速流動的溪流中站立。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 浮萍的植物漂浮在寂靜或者流動緩慢的水面上,而那些有根系和柔韌莖干的植物就可以扎根在湍急的河川中。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 一些如浮萍的植物漂浮在靜止或慢速流動的水面,而一些植物的根和柔軟的莖則可以立于快速流動的水流中。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 像浮萍這樣的植物在水流平緩的水面漂浮,而那些長著根和柔軟的莖的植物可在水流湍急的小溪中扎根。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 浮萍類的植物漂浮在靜止和慢慢移動的水面上,而有根和軟莖的植物可以立在快速流動的水流中。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 一些植物,例如浮萍漂浮在平緩的水面上,而一些有著柔韌枝條的根生植物則扎根于激流中。

Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow - moving waters , while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift - flowing streams 從漂浮在靜止或者緩慢流動的水面上的浮萍,到位于激之流中的長著根和柔軟莖的植物。

We must therefore constantly strengthen our traditional values and virtues of various ethnic communities and avoid becoming “ rootless duckweeds ” 因此,我們必須不斷地加強和鞏固各族群的傳統價值觀和美德,以避免成為“無根的浮萍” 。

The contaminant - resist aquatic plants , duckweed , alternanthera philoxeroides and eichhornia crassipes , are popular in the middle and small creeks 水葫蘆、水花生、浮萍等在郊區的富營養化中小河流中十分常見。

. water quality - determination of the toxic effect of water constituents and waste water on duckweed lemna minor - duckweed growth inhibitiontest 水質.水和廢水的毒性對浮萍生物