
duck n.(pl. duck , ducks)1.鴨;家鴨;母...

duck ant

He ducked no questions, hid no details of his life or his inner feelings . 他不回避任何問題,不隱瞞任何生活細節或內心的感情。

Yes . every day the duck is allowed to swim in the water at noon for ten minutes . 是的,每天中午還讓鴨子在水中游泳10分鐘。

I ducked down, pushed between two men, and ran for the river, my head down . 我身子往下一閃,推開兩個人,低著頭往河邊直跑。

West must hold precisely ax in clubs and must duck the first round of clubs . 西必須正好有梅花AX,又必須放棄第一輪梅花。

There were white clouds, like the feathers of ducks gilded by the sunlight . 天山有些白云,就象鴨茸被日光染上一層黃金。

You can aim at a duck and get it in your sights, but the duck is always moving . 你可以瞄準它,看見它,但鴨子不斷在動。

Let us drink some more after the meal . well , what does crammed duck mean ? 飯后,我們多喝點茶吧,填鴨是指什么?

You shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew , john . 約翰,你不要讓烤鴨和燉牛肉把你的胃口吃倒了。

Far down the bay a string of ducks went by, etched against the sunrise . 海灣遠處一群野鴨正在日出的襯托下飛過。

But he ducked and the white foam spattered on to the floor . 但是他猛地一躲,白白的肥皂沫全都濺到了地板上了。

Oh , yes , the feed is crammed into the duck 's mouth by a special keeper . 是,是指飼養員將飼料填入鴨嘴里。

You always duck when i try to talk seriously to you . 我很想一本正經地和你談一談,誰知道你總是躲躲閃閃的。

The duck quacks . 鴨子嘎嘎叫。

She is a big girl now, he thought, she can't duck everything . 如今她是個大女孩了,他想,她不該躲避一切。

Arsenicals have been shown to produce severe leg weakness in ducks . 現已證明,砷劑可使鴨產生嚴重的腿軟。

As soon as the ducks got near his decoy, the hunter fired . 那群野鴨一接近子時,獵人開槍了。

She rattled on cheerfully about the prospects for duck in the winter . 她興奮地大談冬天獵野鴨的瞻望。

She 's a perfect duck . 她可愛極了。

She is a perfect duck . 她可愛極了。