
drummond n.德拉蒙德〔姓氏〕。


He was professor of economics at oxford and a fellow of nuffield college ( 1977 - 80 ) , drummond professor of political economy at oxford and a fellow of all souls ( 1980 - 88 ) . he became lamont university professor and professor of economics and philosophy at harvard university in 1987 他曾先后出任加爾各答杰達珀大學經濟學教授(一九五六至五八年)和德里大學德里經濟學院經濟學教授(一九六三年至七一年) 。

He has taught at princeton , stanford , mit and was the drummond professor and a fellow of all souls college , oxford 哥倫比亞大學講座教授、二零零一年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主史迪格里茲教授。

Drummond of hawthornden helped you at that stile . - yes , mr best said youngly , i feel hamlet quite young “是啊, ”貝斯特先生興致勃勃地說, “我覺得哈姆萊特十分年輕。

David drummond became google s vice president , corporate development in 2002 David drummond在2002年成為google的企業發展部門副總裁。

You remember mr . and mrs . drummond , don ' t you 你記得戴蒙嗎?