drum n.1.鼓。2.鼓聲,擊鼓般的聲音;麻鳽的叫聲;〔古語〕...
n. 1.鼓。 2.鼓聲,擊鼓般的聲音;麻?的叫聲;〔古語〕鼓手。 3.鼓狀物;圓桶,汽油桶;【機械工程】滾筒,鼓輪;卷線軸;繞線架;【建筑】(作石柱用的)鼓形石塊;(支持圓屋頂的)鼓形墻壁;【解剖學】鼓室;鼓膜;中耳;【動物;動物學】鼓形共鳴器;(自動步槍的)轉盤彈匣。 4.〔古語〕夜會;(午后)茶會。 5.【動物;動物學】(發出鼓聲的)石首魚。 短語和例子play [beat] the drum 擊鼓。 a double drum 雙面鼓。 a drum of running feet 奔跑的腳步聲。 the drum of a cicada 蟬的共鳴器官。 a dozen drums of lubricating oils 十二桶潤滑油。 beat [rattle] the [a] big drum(for about) 為…鼓吹,為…做廣告。 beat the drum 宣傳。 with drums beating and colours flying 軍容威武。 vt. (-mm-) 1. 咚咚地敲打,連打,打響。 2. 敲鼓奏(曲),敲出(曲調)。 3. 生硬地教給(學問)。 4. 〔美俚〕敲鼓招攬;鼓勵,獎勵。 drum a march 擊鼓奏進行曲。 drum a rhythm for dancers 為跳舞的人擊出鼓點。 drum one's fingers on the desk 用手指敲桌子。 drum sb. from his work 敲鼓把某人從工作崗位上召來。 drum sb. into action 鼓動某人行動。 drum Latin into a boy 硬叫孩子學拉丁文。 vi. 1.敲鼓,咚咚地敲。 2.(鳥、昆蟲振動翅膀等)發出嗡嗡聲。 3.奔走招募;鼓吹 (for)。 短語和例子drum at the door 咚咚咚地敲門。 drum on the floor 咚咚咚地踏響地板。 The rain drummed. 雨聲滴答。 drum for a new film 為新影片做廣告。 a drumming in the ears 耳鳴。 drum down (擊鼓)使靜默。 drum out 轟走;開除 (be drummed out of the university 被開除出大學)。 drum up 1. 招攬(顧客等);招募(新兵等)。 2. 鼓勵;激起 (drum up recruits 招募新兵。 drum up customers 招攬顧客。 drum up enthusiasm for the new policies 激起支持新政策的熱情)。 n. =drumlin. “a drum“ 中文翻譯: 一面鼓“are drum“ 中文翻譯: 軍鼓“drum for“ 中文翻譯: 招徠, 鼓吹“drum in“ 中文翻譯: 反復強調“drum into“ 中文翻譯: 反復向某人灌輸“in drum“ 中文翻譯: 桶裝“drum storage magnetic drum“ 中文翻譯: 磁鼓儲存器“fibre drum fibreboard drum“ 中文翻譯: 硬紙板桶“hoisting drum hoist drum“ 中文翻譯: 起重鼓輪“tough drum; oil drum“ 中文翻譯: 油桶“a distant drum“ 中文翻譯: 遠處的鼓聲“adjustable drum“ 中文翻譯: 可調成型機頭; 可調繞線架; 可調式成型機頭; 可調轉筒“ag drum“ 中文翻譯: 美加侖桶“ageing drum“ 中文翻譯: 老化鼓“air drum“ 中文翻譯: 儲氣器; 儲氣筒; 空氣罐; 氣鐘“alternative drum“ 中文翻譯: 交替使用的滾筒“altitude drum“ 中文翻譯: 測高轉螺“aluminum drum“ 中文翻譯: 鋁桶; 麻布包“ammonia drum“ 中文翻譯: 氨罐“ammunition drum“ 中文翻譯: 彈鼓; 鼓形彈箱“armature drum“ 中文翻譯: 電樞鼓; 電樞芯子“assembly drum“ 中文翻譯: 成型鼓“ba drum“ 中文翻譯: 低音鼓“xerographic drum“ 中文翻譯: 靜電印刷圓筒“drum a tune“ 中文翻譯: 敲鼓奏樂“drulle“ 中文翻譯: 德呂勒
drum brake |
Drum brakes are prone to a reduction in the braking effect, known as 'fate', caused by overheating of the linings and the drum . 鼓式制動器易于因襯片過熱而減少制動效用,這種現象叫“失效”。 |
Mcadoo's strongest rival was the attorney general a.mitchell palmer, who was still beating drums for americanism . 麥卡杜最強的對手是仍在鼓吹美國主義的司法部長A米切爾帕爾默。 |
A pair of drums is used, and the signals are transformed successively from one to the other as the summation proceeds . 采用雙鼓,信號不斷從一個鼓傳遞到另一個鼓就如相加的過程。 |
Rain was drumming on the roof, wind fluting in the eaves of the cottage, sea performing glissandi with the beach . 雨,敲擊著屋頂,風,吹拂著房檐;大海與沙灘,合奏著輕音樂。 |
The drums were beaten rather loudly by the rest of the press for a few days, but it is pretty much of a dead cat now . 其他報紙也密鑼緊鼓鬧了幾天,但現在幾乎是鴉雀無聲了。 |
The deep notes of the drum and the town-crier's announcement were repeated a second time in the distance . 遠處再一次傳來深沉的鼓聲和這個鎮傳達公告的人的宣讀告示聲。 |
A spring attached to each brake shoe returns it also to its original position, free of the brake drum . 附接在各個制動蹄上的彈簧也將制動蹄拉回原位,不與鼓輪接觸。 |
The drums sounded the advance, the redcoats moved forward, the clans were beaten back . 戰鼓發出前進的命令,身穿紅外套的英國士兵向前推進,高地人被擊敗后退。 |
Alarm-bells ringing, drums beating, the sea raging and thundering on its new beach, the attack began . 警鐘爭鳴,鼓聲震地,人潮沖擊到新的堤岸邊,進攻開始。 |
The storm had not eased; rain drummed on the roof and overflowed from a gutter . 暴風雨還在呼嘯,雨點象擊鼓一樣敲打著屋頂,然后匯集成流,從檐槽溢出來。 |
Trees can be trucked to the field in 50-gallon drums one-third full of water . 栽植果樹時要把果苗泡在50加侖的大桶中加水滿13,用卡車運到田里。 |
We began to throw money on the drum, and the drum made a thump, thump, thumping sound . 我們開始往鼓上丟錢,鼓發出咚、咚、咚的聲音。 |
All the time there was music in the street. the drums kept on pounding and the pipes were going . 街上樂聲不絕。鼓聲咚咚,笛聲悠揚。 |
Then came the squad of drum majorettes, the best-looking girls we could find . 隨后便是女子鼓樂隊,隊員都是我們所物色來的漂亮姑娘。 |
Often translation and rotation occur simultaneously, as in the case of a rolling drum . 通常平動和轉動同時發生,例如,圓筒的滾動。 |
The yellow beacon continued to flit past the window and the rain still drummed . 燈塔的黃光又繼續從窗前掠過;雨,還在淅瀝地下著。 |
He drummed the edge of his seat with his sharpened pencil, and clicked his teeth . 他用那削尖的鉛筆敲敲椅子邊,嗑了嗑牙。 |
The whole drum rotates at a steady speed of about sixty revolutions per second . 整個磁鼓大約以每秒60轉的恒定轉速旋轉。 |
In some cameras of this type the drum is rotated at high speed . 在此種類型的某些攝影機中,鼓輪是高速轉動著的。 |