
drought n.1.旱災,干旱。2.〔比喻〕(長期的)缺乏。3.〔古...


Analysis of drought resistance forecast scheme circumstances 樂昌市抗旱預案情景分析

The drought made the potato crop very small this year 干旱使今年馬鈴薯的產量很低

Present research of forest drought - resistance mechanism 林木耐旱機制研究進展

Right now there ' s a drought of adequate leadership 眼下缺少能勝任的領導人。

During the drought , the soil was as dry as a bone 干旱期間,這里的土壤都干的裂開了

The reservoir dried up during the four - month drought 由于大旱四個月,水庫干枯了。

Monitoring of drought and flood disaster in fujian province 福建省旱澇災情監測研究

Here ' s your daily drought reminder to conserve agua 這里是節約用水的每日干旱提醒

The crops are being threatened with a long drought 莊稼正受到持續干旱天氣得威脅

Web - based information management system for drought relief 的區域旱情信息管理系統

Study of upland wheat drought tolerance in yunnan 云南旱地小麥品種的抗旱性研究

The drought began with that dry and hot summer 干旱是從那個干熱的夏季開始的。

They made a detailed plan to fight the drought 他們制定了一個詳細的抗旱計劃。

Finaly the drought causes are investigated 最后,探討了干旱氣候形成的主要原因。

So during times of drought , the plant can survive 所以在南部幾乎沒有什么居民。

A continuous drought is threatening the crops 10莊稼正遭受持續干旱天氣的威脅。

A few years later , there was a terrible drought 幾年后,出現了一場可怕的旱災。

Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought 那場旱災過疾病叢生

It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it except perhaps during the droughts of summer . 想要熟悉這個山谷,最好是從它四周圍那些山的山頂上往下眺覽不過也許得把夏季干旱的時節除外。