
dropper n.1.落下者,落下物。2.滴管;(有滴管的)點藥瓶。3...


3 . a series of quasi - dynamic calibration tests by varying the pressure pulse width for the < t > 3 . 5 x 8 . 75mm pillar copper cylinders and o 4 . 763mm copper spheres are done on the dropper - hammer hydraulic dynamic pressure calibration device . by means of data analysis , the regulations of pulse width ' s effect on the two types of plastic pressure - measuring elements are obtained 3利用落錘液壓動標裝置組織了3 . 5 8 . 75mm柱形銅柱、 4 . 763mm銅球的變脈寬準動態校準試驗,通過試驗數據處理,獲得了兩種型號塑性測壓器件的脈寬影響規律。

5 . the methods of temperature - correcting on copper cylinders and copper spheres are discussed . the method of unitive temperature - correcting on plastic pressue - measuring elements is put forward for the first time . large quantities of quasi - dynamic calibration tests in different temperatures are carried out on the dropper - hammer hydraulic dynamic pressure calibration device and the unitive temperature - correcting formula which accords with the traditional correcting method is got 在落錘液壓動標裝置上組織了多批次的銅柱、銅球高低溫準動態校準試驗,探討了建立溫度誤差統一修正公式的可行性,建立了測壓銅球,測壓銅柱符合我國傳統修正方法的溫度統一誤差修正公式。

Model i . accompanying discovery kit consists of butterfly specimen , shrimp hatchery , shrimp eggs , sea salt , gum media , two prepared slides , four blank slides , color filter , spare bulb , cover slips , blank labels and dropper 隨機附件包括:蝴蝶標本孵卵盒蝦卵海鹽膠水2片標本片4片載玻片濾色板備用燈泡蓋玻片空白標簽和滴管。

In case of small mercury spills one typical thermometer , mercury can be collected with a plain sheet of paper or an eye dropper and then stored in a sealed plastic container e . g . , 倘若濺漏少量汞份量相等于一支溫度計,可用紙張或滴管將汞收集起來,并放進密封的塑膠容器內如密實袋棄置。

Teachers introduce different kinds of painting activities to children , including block printing , watercolours , floor painting and painting with droppers and rollers 老師將引導小朋友采用各種繪畫形式:如拓印畫水彩畫地面畫,再加上滴管滾筒等工具,創作出七彩繽紛的圖畫。

People should be cautioned to wear gloves before decontamination . used gloves and used paper or eye dropper should be disposed in the sealed plastic container 清除汞時必須戴上手套,以及把曾使用過的手套同樣棄置于密封的塑膠容器內。

Billy his sparrow dropper looks cooler than his 98ex self . fierce stick - jump has strong detection . otherwise , not much different from 98 比利他的筆殺技雀落看起來比98的特別版酷多了。強襲飛翔棍自動導向強多了。其他的和98差不多。

Avoid sharing eye droppers , eye medicines , eye make - up and other items that may come into contact with the eyes 避免與別人共用眼藥水、眼部藥物、眼部化妝品和其他可能接觸眼睛的用品。

Discard your gloves , droppers , kimwipes and whatever that may have bacteria solution left to the “ biological waste “ container 接觸過菌體的手套、吸管、拭鏡紙等均應棄置于生物廢棄袋中。

To move a docked window to a new docked location , drag the title bar until the window dropper icons appear 若要將停靠窗口移動到新的停靠位置,請拖動標題欄,直至出現該窗口的滴管圖標。

Avoid sharing eye droppers , eye medicines , eye make - up and other items that may come into contact with the eyes 避免與別人共用眼藥水眼部藥物眼部化妝品和其他可能接觸眼睛的用品。

Fittings for overhead contact system of electrification railway - part 2 : dropper clamp for messenger wire 電氣化鐵道接觸網零部件第2部分:承力索吊弦線夾

Fittings for overhead contact system of electrification railway - part 1 : dropper clamp for contact wire 電氣化鐵道接觸網零部件第1部分:接觸線吊弦線夾

Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations - part 5 : dropper assemblies iso 11418 - 5 : 1997 藥品配制用容器及附件.第5部分:滴管組件

Irrigation equipment . dropper . technical description . standard layout . constructions details 灌溉設備.滴管.技術描述.標準布局.結構細節

Electric traction ; dropper clamp for catenaries , 35 mm , 70 mm to 185 mm 電力牽引. 35平方毫米70 - 185平方毫米吊索用掛線夾

Electric traction ; dropper clamp for grooved contact - wires and catenary 牽引電車.第4部分:槽形電車線和懸鏈線用吊索夾

Electric traction ; dropper clamp ; sliding dropper clamp for catenaries 電力牽引.掛線夾.吊索用滑動掛線夾

Containers for pharmaceutical dispensing - eye dropper bottles 藥劑容器規范.第5部分:眼藥水點滴瓶規范