
drop n.1.滴;液滴,水滴。2.〔pl.〕 【藥學】滴劑;滴...

drop arch

It was cold and the drops hung to the branches . 因為天冷,樹枝上掛著水珠。

She expects everyone to work till they drop . 她恨不得把個人都累趴下為止。

In her hurry she dropped the eggs . 她在匆忙中將蛋掉到地上了。

Drop me a line to say when you are coming . 給我寫封短信告訴我你來的時間。

But could i locate the dropped tank ? 但是我能找到丟失的桶嗎?

From now on we'll shift to the third drop . 從現在起,我們改用第三密藏點。

The mirror dropped and broke with a crash . 啪嚓一聲,鏡子掉在地上摔碎了。

Haze water drops would be spherical . 被稱為霾的水滴是球形的。

Don't rely on him. he's sure to drop the ball . 不要依賴他,他定會犯錯誤。

He dropped some coins on the floor . 他把一些硬幣掉在地板上了。

It 's improper to drop in on him so casually . 這樣冒冒失失去找他可不好。

The swimming pool project has since been dropped ... 游泳池工程從此下馬。

The enemy dropped their weapons and fled . 敵人扔下武器逃跑了。

The load reaches a maximum and then drops down . 載荷在達到最大值后下降。

He dropped the reins and heaved on the brake . 他放下韁繩,猛地拉住車閘。

The spectators dropped off to get refreshment . 旁觀者紛紛離座去吃點心。

His feeble arm dropped powerless down . 他那軟弱的胳臂沒力氣地放了下來。

Yellow dust was dropping from the limetrees . 菩提樹枝頭飄下黃色的花粉。

What is the potential drop in an edge ? 在一條邊中電壓降是多少?