
droop vi.1.(頭、樹枝等)低垂,下垂;(眼睛)朝下。2.(...

droop nose

Georges alone sat looking at his glass with drooped eyelids and a tired expression 只有喬治滿面疲乏的樣子,低著頭,對著杯子出神。

To let droop 紅外線紅外線的

Virgo shall climb on back of sagittarius and so let droop its maiden blossoms 處女座會爬到人馬座的背上,從而讓少女之花低垂著。

Then droop my head 然后下降我的頭

The threat level for british flights to the us has drooped from severe to high 英國飛往美國的飛機的威脅程度,從最近嚴重到高。

European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches 歐洲的一種樺樹,有銀白色脫落樹皮和下垂的枝條。

Skin is lifted and tightened to help visibly diminish sagging and drooping 提升并緊致眼部肌膚,有效緩解松弛和下垂問題。

Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping 縷縷白云或前行,或散去,這最自然不過了。

Her head drooped sadly 她悲哀地垂著頭。

Then he drooped down and glided along the wall again to his place 隨后又彎下身子,沿著墻滑過去,回到了自己的位子上。

After 4 weeks : the upper eye gel helps reduce sagging and drooping * * 使用四周之后:上眼膠可以減少眼瞼的松弛和下垂。

Leaves droop at a slightest touch , purplish flowers with many heads 輕輕一觸,葉子便會垂下,花朵紫色,長有多個頂梢。

In a moment her eyes grew moist , and her glance drooped to the ground 不一會兒,她的眼睛濕潤了,目光垂到了地上。

He spied the beetle ; the drooping tail lifted and wagged 它一眼發現了這只甲蟲,垂著的尾巴立即豎起來,晃動著。

The flowers drooped and faded 那些花都已凋萎了。

Life droops toward its sunset to be drowned in the golden shadows 生命向它的黃昏下落,為了沉浸于金影之中。

In fact , the shares drooped 事實上,股價卻再次下跌了。

Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load 從空載到滿載轉速降一般為兩赫茲。

His shoulders drooped with tiredness 他因疲倦而低垂著雙肩。