
droll vi.〔古語〕說笑話,開玩笑。 droll on sb....


A neat phrase went the round of the house : “ the cuckolds chorus , the cuckolds chorus , “ and it “ caught on , “ for there was an encore . the singers heads were droll ; their faces were discovered to be in keeping with the phrase , especially that of a fat man which was as round as the moon 劇場里只聽見一句話: “他們是烏大合唱,他們是烏大合唱。 ”觀眾對這句話很感興趣,大聲叫道: “再來一次! ”每個合唱者的面孔都很古怪,觀眾覺得他們的臉都配得上烏這個稱號,尤其是一個胖子,臉圓乎乎的,酷似一輪滿月。

The question was addressed to the wood - sawyer , who hurriedly replied in the affirmative : seizing the occasion to add that he was the most ardent of republicans , and that he would be in effect the most desolate of republicans , if anything prevented him from enjoying the pleasure of smoking his afternoon pipe in the contemplation of the droll national barber 這話問的是鋸木工。鋸木工趕快說他也要去,而且抓緊機會補充說,他是最積極的共和分子。實際上若是有什么東西使他失去了享受一邊抽午后煙一邊欣賞國家級剃頭師傅精采表演的機會,他就會成為最孤獨的共和分子了。

Prince vassily readily fell in with this tone , the little princess embellished their supposed common reminiscences with all sorts of droll incidents that had never occurred , and drew anatole too into them , though she had scarcely known him 瓦西里公爵心甘情愿地聽從這種腔調的擺布,矮小的公爵夫人也引誘庶幾不認識的阿納托利來回憶一些從未發生的滑稽可笑的事情。

And as she presented her side to the blaze a droll idea struck her , and like a good - tempered thing , she made fun of herself for she was dellghted to see that she was looking so plump and pink in the light of the coal fire 她把左側朝向爐火時,在火光的照射下,她看見自己身上胖胖的,皮膚發紅,非常高興,覺得挺有趣的,便自己跟自己開起玩笑來。

At once chatty , droll and dramatically affecting , it is an existential contrast between a fallen musician committed to the psychiatric ward and an art gallery director struggling with her dying father and her fatherless son 德彼仙產量不多,是法國近年寵兒,原因是他的貌似平常,往往說中同胞的集體心窩,而且是愈搔愈癢的那一種。

With a substantial budget and a recognised cast , he deftly spins a delectably droll comedy about a pair of misfit conmen who tries to defraud the residents of a kyushu port town 本片二次大戰時開拍上映,軍國主義還未落畫。劇本雖獲政府通過,但若拍得太正經,只會變成激勵人民為國增產的國策電影。

I confess this is the drollest thing i have ever met with in the course of my extensive foreign transactions , and you may readily suppose it has greatly roused my curiosity 我和外國銀行的往來雖廣,但象這樣滑稽的事倒還是第一次遇見,你們大概也猜得到,這件事已引起了我的好奇心。

Danglars opened his enormous eyes on hearing this gigantic joke . “ come , come , this is very droll - very amusing - i allow ; but , as i am very hungry , pray allow me to eat “算了吧,算了吧, ”騰格拉爾說, “這種玩笑真是滑稽,有趣,我的肚子實在餓極了,所以還是讓我吃吧。

Stories began to crop up - those ever - enduring , droll stories which form the major portion of the conversation among american men under such circumstances 大家開始講故事-那些常講不厭的滑稽故事,美國男人們在這種情況下談話的主要內容就是這類故事。

This is brightly entertaining : there ' s a droll irony in seeing characters from plays about waiting doing even less than they do in the theatre 娛樂的巧妙之處在于:看到戲劇中的角色做的事情比他們在戲劇中所做的要更少時,還真有點兒可笑的諷刺意味。

The interaction between web browser and web server was pretty mind numbingly simplistic and the coolness of surfing through hyperlinks quickly became droll 網絡瀏覽器和網絡服務器之間的交互是非常單純的,所謂的網絡沖浪很快就會變得非常可笑的。

One of my favorite teachers at southeast missouri state university in cape girardeau is known for his droll sense of humor 在開普吉拉多市的東南密蘇里州立大學上學的時候,我喜歡的幾個老師之中有一個以他的幽默感而出名。

Father conmee walked and , walking , smiled for he thought on father bernard vaughan s droll eyes and cockney voice 康米神父踱著,邊走邊泛出微笑,因為他記起伯納德沃恩神父那逗樂兒的眼神和帶倫敦土腔的口音。

For some of you , everything you ve read so far may be droll review of your role in the web development process 對于一些web程序員來說,在前文閱讀到的所有內容可能是對您在web開發過程中角色的滑稽講述。

Now this word soul , which pops up frequently in van norden ' s soliloquies , used to have a droll effect upon me at first 范諾登自言自語時嘴邊常掛著“靈魂”這個詞兒,起初我一聽到這個詞便覺得好笑。

Mrs linton eyed him with a droll expression - half angry , half laughing at his fastidiousness 林敦夫人帶著一種詼諧的表情瞅著他對于他的苛求是又好氣又好笑。

“ come in , my lord , “ said philip in a low tone , “ and i will show you something droll . “請進,子爵閣下, ”菲力小聲說, “我給您看一件滑稽事兒。 ”

This struck everybody as very droll , and mme lerat and mme maloir shook with laughter 這句話似乎很逗人。勒拉太太和馬盧瓦太太笑彎了腰。

He is so droll , that samson 參孫真會開玩笑。