
drizzly adj.1.下著蒙蒙細雨的。2.毛毛雨似的。


I reads : “ strolling along the path of the yandang mountain , i felt the peaks crowned with a misty gauze ; while drinking tea by the side of the dragon waterfall , i myself was imbued in a drizzly cloud . “始于唐,盛于宋” ,雁蕩山來晚了一步,未能在“五岳”中分得一席之地。沒有金碧輝煌的涂飾,村野之山的雁蕩倒因此多了份瀟灑風神。

The morning is drizzly . far below the forested peaks , women in the fields plant rice seedlings , oblivious to events in the house built of mud and stone 早晨的天空飄著細雨,在皚皚的高峰下,尼泊爾農村的婦女在田里忙著插秧,對一旁土屋里正在進行的課程一無所知。

Correlation analysis of yield and ear characters of maize in cloudy and drizzly conditions 陰雨寡照條件下玉米穗部性狀與產量的相關分析

This section of the country is drizzly in the winter . 該國的這一地區在冬天經常細雨蒙蒙。

That region is drizzly in winter . 那個地區冬天常下蒙蒙細雨。