
drizzle n.1.細雨,毛毛雨,蒙蒙細雨。2.細水珠。vi.下毛毛...


It began to drizzle but there was no wind so i decided to go into the mountains alone 那時飄起了小雨,沒有風,我打算一個人先到山里。

Remove fish from steamer , drizzle with additional cilantro sauce , and serve 從蒸鍋中取出魚片,把剩余的芫荽葉沙司澆在上面即可食用。

Fog and drizzle 有霧及毛毛雨

We ' ve been in beijing eight months and have only felt a few drizzles 我們來北京已經8個月了,到現在為止只見過屈指可數的幾次小雨。

Top each with 1 / 4 cup breadcrumb mixture ; drizzle each with 1 tablespoon cider 每個上面灑上1 / 4杯面包屑混合物;淋1大湯匙蘋果酒。

This is the principle of life as the greatest principles of marriage chen drizzle 這是視原則為生命的陳小雨對于婚姻的最大原則。

After a while the rain turned into a drizzle . she stood up and walked away 過了一會兒,雨變成了細雨,她站起來走開了。

The star son is before unintentionally , the light drizzle point spreads at spend 星子在無意中閃,細雨點灑在花前。

The star son is before unintentionally ? , the light drizzle point spreads at spend 星子在無意中閃,細雨點?在花前。

By sister initiate chang chiu - dian , taipei , formosa spring drizzle is falling 春雨紛飛,又值清明掃墓祭祖的時節。

Creep close to me , and perhaps the drizzle won t hurt you much “向我靠緊些吧,這樣雨水也許就不會淋得太厲害了。

Ike drizzle dropping into mud , 如落入污泥的細雨,

It had been drizzling all day 下了一整天的毛毛雨。

The long drizzle had begun 綿綿的細雨已經開始下了。

It start to drizzle , the girl ' s tears cannot stop falling 天空下起細雨,而女孩的眼淚滑落,一發不可收拾。

Drizzle from a leaden sky 從鉛灰色的天空中飄落的雨絲

A young kid with smiling face was playing with a hopper in the drizzle 一個小孩子正在雨中和一只青蛙玩。

Ladle the soup into bowls and drizzle with sesame oil 將煮好的餛飩分放到倆碗里,放入冬菜,紫菜和蔥花。

He walked back home through the fine drizzle that was now falling 他冒著正在下著的微微細雨走回家。