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driving licence 駕駛執照。

driving shaft

Duplicate driving licence duplicate driving instructor s licence 駕駛執照駕駛教師執照復本

How to apply for vehicle and driving licences 怎樣申請車輛及駕駛執照

How to apply for vehicle driving licences 怎樣申領車輛牌照及駕駛執照

Ii temporary driving licence holders ; and (乙)臨時駕駛執照持有人;及

Transport department - learner s driving licence 運輸署-學習駕駛執照

Transport department - hong kong driving licence 運輸署-香港駕駛執照

Road traffic driving licences amendment regulation 2007 2007年道路交通駕駛執照修訂規例

Probationary driving licence for motorists 電單車駕駛者的暫準駕駛執照

Apply for a full driving licence by direct issue without test 申請免試簽發正式駕駛執照;

Road traffic driving licences amendment regulation 2001 2001年道路交通駕駛執照修訂規例

Full driving licence for applicants over the age of 60 for every 發予年超過60歲的申請人的

Transport department - vehicle driving licences 運輸署-車輛及駕駛執照

Driving in hong kong for overseas driving licence holders 海外駕駛執照持有人在香港駕駛。

Driving without a valid driving licence ( e )未持有有效之駕駛執照行車。

First issue and renewal of full driving licence 新領及換領正式駕駛執照

Licence renewal driving licences and tests 續領駕駛執照(駕駛執照及考試)

Those with government vehicles driving licence only (丙)只持有政府車輛駕駛執照的人士。

Application for renewal of driving licence users tips 入境事務處資料簡介及索取申請表格

Booking an appointment online for full driving licence renewal 網上預約續領正式駕駛執照