
driver n.1.驅逐者,驅趕者;(火車的)司機;(汽車等的)駕駛...


He blew his trumpet on the way but the driver did not turn around . 路上他吹著喇叭,但是司機并未回頭。

I asked the bus driver to put me off near the town center . 我請公共汽車司機在快到市中心時讓我下車。

I'm going up around the corner here, to roust out my driver . 我馬上到這拐角那兒去把我的司機叫醒。

The driver pressed on the accelerator , savagely roaring the engine . 司機踩下油門踏板,引擎轟鳴。

The driver wore a cap and his face was thin and very tanned . 司機戴著帽子,臉孔瘦削,曬得黑黑的。

I am a hopeless driver , but the examiner let me through . 我開車的技術糟透了,但考官讓我及格了。

The driver asked: “know where the guy hangs out mostly? “ 司機問:“你知道這家伙經常呆在那兒嗎?

The racing driver gassed his car in less than two minutes . 賽車司機不到兩分鐘就給汽車加好了油。

The driver waited for the green light , his engine racing . 那司機等候綠燈放行,讓發動機空轉著。

Why is he such a backseat driver when he rides with me ? 為什么他跟我一起坐車時,總是指手劃腳?

The questions of the driver had the tone of a subtle examination . 司機的問話都含有盤問的口吻。

I wanted to check on the time your driver is picking me up . 我想問一下你的司機來接我的時間。

Did the driver come for you in a new big shiny auto ? 有個司機開一部大型閃亮的新車來接你嗎?

The driver jams the brakes on . 司機煞住車。

The injured driver was cut from the wreckage of his car . 把汽車殘骸破開才救出了受傷的司機。

The driver was slinging a pedestrian who had got in his way . 那司機破口大罵擋他的路的行人。

The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed . 那輛敞篷汽車撞車時把司機拋出車外。

He became a bus driver and he has not regretted it . 他當公共汽車司機了,對此他并不后悔。

50 percent of all accidents are caused by drunk drivers . 50的事故是由酗酒者所引起的。