
drivable adj.1.可駕馭的。2.(道路等)可供汽車行駛的。


Drivable vehicles : drive a recon car or a sherman tank . use a wide range of weapons such as bazookas , sniper rifles , grenades and more to destroy your enemy 可供駕駛的交通工具:駕駛偵察車或者是謝爾曼坦克。可以用的武器很多,象火箭炮、狙擊槍、手榴彈等等。

There will be no drivable vehicles in the game , but you can travel between locations through subway tunnels 游戲中不會有可駕駛的交通工具,但你可以通過地鐵管道在不同地點間穿行。

Jack : and let ' s check out who ' s driving to la this week and hitch a ride ! my car is not drivable 杰克:也看看這星期誰要開車去洛杉磯,順便搭個便車!我車子不能開了。

I ' m thinking i could make it drivable , 我想我可以讓它動起來