dreamboat 短語和例子〔美俚〕1.理想的人[物];理想的情人。2.同...
短語和例子〔美俚〕 1.理想的人[物];理想的情人。 2.同類事物中最好的。 “you are a dreamboat“ 中文翻譯: 你是位理想人選“spa wisdom dreamboat milk bath“ 中文翻譯: 花香浸浴液“dreambus“ 中文翻譯: 德琳巴士“dreamaker“ 中文翻譯: 夢精靈“dreamcacher“ 中文翻譯: 夢網“dream-tom“ 中文翻譯: 心亂“dreamcast games“ 中文翻譯: dreamcast游戲“dream-state“ 中文翻譯: 夢樣狀態“dream-seeing drops“ 中文翻譯: 夢見水滴“dreamcatcher“ 中文翻譯: 捕夢者; 捕夢惘; 補夢網; 劫夢驚魂; 靈夢捕手,用橡樹枝或柳枝編成圓圈,配以羽毛、樹葉和麻繩編的網子,捕捉人們的思想、夢境,讓夢者美夢成真; 漏網之靈; 門口掛著的東西; 夢想家; 尋夢人; 追夢人; 捉夢人“dream-pop“ 中文翻譯: 夢幻流行曲
dreamhole |
This instructional mode can provides learner with a rich and colorful interactive interface which is made of both images and texts , and with a huge repository of knowledge and information which can stimulate learners to learn ; so that learners can construct knowledge depending on their own initiatively and get , renew , even innovate knowledge by themselves , those aims belongs to our dreamboat 這種教學方式能夠為學習者提供圖文并茂、豐富多彩的交互式人機界面,能夠激發學習者的學習興趣,從而達到讓學習者主動構建知識的目的,實現自己獲取知識、自我更新甚至創新知識的理想目標。 |
This instructional mode can provides learner with a huge repository of knowledge and information which can stimulate learners to learn ; so that learners can construct knowledge depending on their own initiatively and get , renew , even innovate knowledge by themselves , those aims belongs to our dreamboat 這種教學方式能夠激發學習者的學習興趣,從而達到讓學習者主動構建知識的目的,實現自己獲取知識、自我更新甚至創新知識的目標。 |
A few days ago , dreamboat representatives liu hongyin and yao guozhi , along with some cameramen , came out to our location to send their certificate of intent and a donation from the celebrities of the club 為此,在前幾天夢舟明星俱樂部的劉宏胤,還有他們的姚經理,帶著幾位傳媒的記者,專程來到我們拍戲的住地,送來夢舟明星俱樂部加入壹基金計劃的回執和一些隊員捐贈的善款。 |
Hello ! this is dreamboat psychology chat room , i am 靜 月 , may i help you 哈? !這里是夢船心理驛站聊天室,我是靜月,很榮幸為您服務。 |
When he saw her at the party , he knew that he found his dreamboat 當他在舞會上看見她時,知道自己已經找到夢中情人了。 |