
dread vt.,vi.1.恐怕,害怕,怕;擔心,愁。2.〔古語〕...


Had there not always been an element of dread in the thought of beholding the mystery face to face ? 他每次想到就要看到那個謎的真面目,心里不是總帶著幾分恐慌嗎?

The dread tribunal of five judges, public prosecutor, and determined jury, sat every day . 由五個審判官,檢察長和一群果斷的陪審官所組成的可怕的法庭每天都在開庭。

Isabel's chief dread in life at this period of her development was that she should appear narrow-minded . 伊莎貝爾在生活中的這個發展時期,最怕自己顯得心胸狹窄。

The colonel dreaded his dunk lonely nights at his farmhouse and the dull, uneventful days . 上校對于在農舍里度過的那些陰濕寂寞的夜晚和單調平凡的白天感到很害怕。

He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his ease . 他對彼此相見一直忐忑不安,可是她熱情歡迎使他很快就無拘無束了。

How can they sleep at night for dreading the tortures of next day ? 一想到明天還得受這份兒罪,就應該膽戰心寒,夜里他們怎么居然還睡得著覺呢?

She carried the food to her mouth in tiny bits, as if dreading its choking her . 她還把食物小塊小塊地往嘴里送,好象怕食物梗在喉嚨里似的。

Her eyes fixed on him with the inquiring look that he had come to dread . 她的眼光正帶著探問的神色在盯著他,這是使他變得畏懼的眼光。

She had drawn close to him in her dread of the scene, and in her pity for the prisoner . 她因為害怕這場面和憐惜那罪人而緊挨著他。

And then i wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season . 于是在這無情的季節,可怕的夜間,我在鄉野徘徊。

And there is the dread of the unknown, above all, the awful fear of hellfire . 而且還有對未知的恐懼;尤其是對于煉獄的懼怕。

The dread of fuss and bother, and of endless explanation, restrained her . 她害怕混亂、糾紛和無止無休的解釋,便克制了自己。

A raid from the north, on the other hand, must have been a matter for dread . 另一方面,來自北方的襲擊必然是一件可怕的事。

Dread and some of the related emotions will often approach me by way of the nose . 恐怖以及類似的感覺常常通過鼻子傳給我。

I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season . 在這無情的季節里,在這可怕的夜間,我在鄉野徘徊。

I would stand in dread of what you might be going to recommend next . 我會時時刻刻提心吊膽,不知你還要提出一些什么別的。

It thrilled him with a great dread of discovery; but the man went on . 這使他驚心動魄,恐怕要被識破;但是那人走過去了。

The meeting of any new person filled nixon with an undefined dread . 與任何生人的會見使尼克松充滿了莫名其妙的緊張。

Sometimes she dreaded only lest glaucus should discover her secret . 有時候她非常擔心,深怕格勞科斯發現她的秘密。