
drawer n.1.拖曳者;【商業】(匯票等的)出票人,開票人,制圖...


Specification for chest of drawers chiffonier , steel , marine 抽屜箱船用鋼規范

He removed the pictures and put them in the drawer 他把畫取下來,放到抽屜里。

He took out the drawer again and lifted the bills 他又拿出抽屜,拿起那些鈔票。

Clean all drawers , shelves and service stations 清潔所有的抽屜、架子和服務臺。

The drawer was so tight that she couldn ' t open it 那抽屜這麼緊,以致她打不開。

She heard dresser drawers crashing to the floor 她聽到梳妝臺的抽屜掉到了地上。

The girl jammed her hand when she closed the drawer 那個女孩在關抽屜時夾了手。

Apart from the money in the drawer , i am penniless 除去抽屜里的錢我是身無分文。

As soon as she and my master were safe upstairs, i searched and readily found among my house-keys one that would fit the lock of the drawer . 等她和我的主人都安穩地在樓上時,我就在我這串家用鑰匙里搜索著,找出一把可以開抽屜鎖的鑰匙。

The things you said this morning when you couldn't find a fresh pair of socks in your drawer weren't exactly examples of polite speech, were they ! 今天早上你在你的抽屜里找不到一雙洗過的襪子時說的話,不能算是談吐文雅的榜樣吧!

Margaret took advantage of the time to turn out the drawers of her desk, tearing up pieces of paper in a nervous compulsion to do something . 瑪格利特利用這段時間,打開寫字臺的抽屜,把紙撕碎。她忐忑不安,下意識地干著各種事。

Later that day, instead of sending it for routine filing, he placed the report in a folder in a locked drawer of his desk . 那天傍晚,他沒有把報告按規定送去存檔,而是放進一個夾子,鎖進了自己的抽屜。

She opened a drawer and fumbled among its contents for a long time, so long that my hopes began to falter . 她打開一個抽屜,在里面的東西中間亂找了很長一段時間,長得都叫我開始不抱希望了。

And i was trying to stifle the impulse to go to the drawer of the kitchen table and get a knife and defend myself . 我當時真想從抽屜里拿把菜刀進行自衛,然而我卻竭盡全力抑制住了這種沖動。

A search of his office at culham produced rendezvous information from a locked drawer in his desk . 搜查他在卡勒姆的辦公室時,從他辦公桌一個上鎖的抽屜里找出了關于接頭會面的材料。

In their last quarrel amy had soothed her feeling by turning his top drawer upside down on the floor . 上次吵架,埃米為了出氣,曾把他頂層的抽屜摔翻在地上。

From a small recess she took a key, and put it thoughtfully in the lock of a drawer . 從一個暗孔里,她取出一把鑰匙,若有所思地把它插進一只抽屜的鑰匙眼里。

A similar restriction by a maker or drawer would destroy the negotiability of the instrument . 如開票人或提款人作類似限制,則票據的流通性就會遭到破壞。

She had a small drawer in a cabinet in the library, which she would trifle over for hours . 在圖書室的一個書櫥中,她有一個小抽屜,她常翻騰好半天。