
draw vt.(drew; drawn )1.拉,牽,曳,張(弓...

draw well

She drew the outline with a sure hand . 她筆力雄健地畫出了輪廓。

She drew a little book from her bosom . 她從懷里取出一本小冊子。

These are mostly drawn as dendrograms . 其中大多數繪成樹枝狀圖。

Researchers have drawn upon the theory of games . 研究人員引用了對策論。

The plans had been drawn professionally . 那計劃是由專家制定的。

Bererice could scarcely be drawn away . 白麗萊茜戀戀不舍地走開。

Her screams drew to the scene . 她的叫喊聲把過路人都吸引到現場。

We can draw a few qualitative conclusions . 我們可以得出一些定性的結論。

Let 's try to draw the secret out of him . 讓我們想法兒套他的話。

You have made my nose too big in the drawing . 你把我的鼻子畫得太大了。

A train bound for manchester drew up . 一輛開往曼徹斯特的列車停了下來。

They drew lots for the right to go first . 他們抓鬮兒決定誰先走。

No hard and fast line can be drawn between the two . 二者不能截然分開。

Montanelli drew one hand across his forehead . 蒙太尼里用手擦了下額頭。

He is very shy and needs to be drawn out . 他很靦腆,需要鼓勵才肯說話。

Her questions drew blank looks all round . 她的問題把大家問得目瞪口呆。

The cavalcade drew together in silence . 馬隊在靜默中靠攏在一起。

The queen 's coach was drawn by six horses . 女王的御輦是由六匹馬拉的。

He drew off a pint of beer from the barrel . 他從酒桶里抽出一品脫啤酒。