
dram DRAM =dynamic random access ...


Promos chairman chen min - liang said the company expects to post a fourth quarterly net loss in a row for the period ended march 31 because of weak dram prices 茂德董事長陳民良表示,由于dram價格疲軟,在截止3月31日的本財季,公司料將再度宣布虧損。

The executive secretary dismisses speculation that daiwan was retaliating against the us for imposing anti - dumping tariffs on daiwan ' s dram makers on monday 有郎臆講這是臺員欲報復米國拜一開始拾傾銷稅罰臺員動態記憶廠,但是會長講無影這款代志。

The bootloader communicates with the host using the serial , esb , or ethernet port to transfer the kernel into the target s flash or dram 通過使用串行、 usb或以太網端口,引導裝載程序與主機通信以將內核傳送到目標的閃存或dram中。

And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold , and two thousand pound of silver , and threescore and seven priests ' garments 72其馀百姓所捐的金子,二萬達利克,銀子二千彌拿,祭司的禮服六十七件。

Daiwan ' s trade investigation committee found us dram maker micron and korean chip giants samsung and hyundai guilty of dumping dram in daiwan 臺員貿易調查委會員判講米國嘜踞朗公司及韓國三星、現代攏對臺員違法傾銷動態記憶體。

The later developed fashion dramas , modern dramas and fairy tale drams include white hair woman , liu hulan , and the story of the red lamp 后發展出的時裝戲、現代戲和童話寓言劇,常見的劇目有白毛女、劉胡蘭、紅燈記等等。

And some of the chief of the fathers gave to the treasure of the work twenty thousand drams of gold , and two thousand and two hundred pound of silver 尼7 : 71又有族長捐入工程庫的金子二萬達利克、銀子二千二百彌拿。

Audio grade dram . drams are low cost integrated circuits that are widely used in consumer electronic ' s products to store digital data 音頻級dram 。 drams是低成本集成電路,廣泛應用于用戶電子產品存儲數字數據。

Standard features include 2mb dram memory , 1mb flash memory a front peel mechanism , and an easy to read lcd display 單機操作鍵盤,自動切刀,字型夾,擴充記憶卡記憶體擴充記憶體最大可擴充至

The tirshatha gave to the treasure a thousand drams of gold , fifty basons , five hundred and thirty priests ' garments 省長捐入庫中的金子一千達利克,碗五十個,祭司的禮服五百三十件。

“ will you be taking a wee dram ? “ “ at half past six in the morning ? “ mrs odd exclaimed . “ what a nerve ! “你要不要來點威士忌? “ “早上六點半鐘喝酒? “奧德夫人叫道, “神經病!

In order to make dram come into reality , it takes an awful lots of determination , dedication , self - discipline and effort 要想夢想成真,需要很大的決心,奉獻精神,自律和努力。

Http : download . micron . com pdf datasheets dram ddr 256mtm4tm8tm16ddr . pdf . 6 machanick p . the case for sram main memory 以往針對rampage所做的低能耗設計已經顯示出希望。

12 eastern classical music played by jazz piano , with the complement of string bass , guitar , and dram 這是東方的,是中國的,沉厚的內涵和藝術的氣質在證明這一點。

Also twenty basons of gold , of a thousand drams ; and two vessels of fine copper , precious as gold 27金碗二十個,重一千達利克。上等光銅的器皿兩個,寶貴如金。

Detail specification for 1 . 00 mm pitch , 88 circuit dram memory card interconnect system sp - 3048 1 . 00mm間距88線路動態隨機存儲器存儲卡互連系統的詳細規范

Here , you two , just go steady with that bottle ! i want a couple of drams left for dad and harry 喂,你們倆,喝得該夠了吧!我還想給老爸和哈里留點呢!

Two categories of memory , flash and dram , widely used to store program code or data 存儲器是程序存放和運行的載體。當前常用的存儲器是flash和dram 。

We also studied pld derived ba0 . 8sro0 . 2tio3 thin film capacitor for the application of dram 采用組合集成離子注入的方法摻bi提高了bst薄膜的介電性能。