
dragoon n.1.重騎兵;(持龍騎槍的)龍騎兵。2.龍騎兵團〔英國...


A magnificent specimen of manhood he was truly , augmented obviously by gifts of a high order as compared with the other military supernumerary , that is who was just the usual everyday farewell , my gallant captain kind of an individual in the light dragoons , the 18th hussars to be accurate , and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader , that is , not the other in his own peculiar way which she of course , woman , quickly perceived as highly likely to carve his way to fame , which he almost bid fair to do till the priests and ministers of the gospel as a whole , his erstwhile staunch adherents and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he had done yeoman service in the rural parts of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that exceeded their most sanguine expectations , very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose , thereby heaping coals of fire on his head , much in the same way as the fabled ass s kick 與另外那個預備役陸軍軍官即輕騎兵,說得確切些,第十八騎兵隊的一員是“再見吧,我豪俠的上尉” 219那樣一種極其平庸的類型相形之下,他確實是位男子大丈夫中的杰出楷模,加以稟賦極高,更是相得益彰。毫無疑問,他這里指的是已垮臺的領袖,而不是另外那個人有著獨特的火暴性子,而她作為一個女人,當然一眼就看得出,并認為惟其如此,他才名揚天下。正當大功即將告成之際,全體司鐸牧師220 ,往昔那些堅定可靠的擁護者,以及他所愛護過的被剝奪了土地的佃戶們他曾在本國鄉村以超過其任何樂觀期望的勁頭替這些佃戶辯護,勇往直前為之效勞,而這些人卻為了婚姻問題一舉把他搞垮,猶如把炭火堆在他的頭上,簡直就像寓言中那頭被踢上一腳的驢221而今回顧一下往事,追想事情的整個經過,一切都恍如一場夢。

The hussars , galloping up , freed his foot , and got him into his saddle . the hussars were busily engaged on all sides with the dragoons ; one was wounded , but though his face was streaming with blood he would not let go of his horse ; another put his arms round an hussar as he sat perched up behind on his horse ; a third was clambering on to his horse , supported by an hussar 馳過來的驃騎兵幫他把腳抽出來并把他扶到馬鞍上,驃騎兵們從四方收容騎兵有一個受了傷,滿臉是鮮血,仍不愿放棄自己的馬另一個抱著驃騎兵坐在馬屁股上第三個由驃騎兵扶著才爬上馬背。

In the hollow where the stream flowed , below the eminence on which the kiev regiment was stationed , could be heard a continual roll and crash of guns , the din of which was overwhelming . and much further to the right , behind the dragoons , the officer of the suite pointed out to bagration a column of french outflanking our flank 基輔兵團駐守于高地,高地下面的河谷中可以聽見令人心驚膽戰的時斷時續的噼噼啪啪的槍聲,右面很遠的地方,在騎兵后面,一名侍從軍官向公爵指著包抄我軍側翼的法軍縱隊。

The dragoons were close now . the foremost , seeing the hussars , began turning back ; the hindmost halted . with the same feeling with which he had dashed off to cut off the wolfs escape , rostov , letting his don horse go at his utmost speed , galloped to cut off the broken ranks of the dragoons 他們剛下山,大步的奔馳自然而然轉為疾馳,越接近自己的槍騎兵和追趕他們的法國騎兵,就越馳越快,離騎兵很近了,前面那些看見驃騎兵的騎兵開始向后轉,后面的停住了。

But the adjutant returned half an hour later with the news that the colonel of the dragoons had already retired beyond the ravine , as a destructive fire had been opened upon him , and he was losing his men for nothing , and so he had concentrated his men in the wood 但是派往那處的副官過了半個小時就回頭,傳來了信息:騎兵團團長已經撤退到峽谷后面去了,因為他面對猛烈的火力,白白地喪失人丁,因此命令步兵下馬進入森林中。

However , as he was a favorite with cucumetto , as he had for three years faithfully served him , and as he had saved his life by shooting a dragoon who was about to cut him down , he hoped the chief would have pity on him 但是,由于他是古古密陀的親信由于他已忠心耿耿地在他手下效力了三年由于他曾射死過一個快要砍倒古古密陀的騎兵,救過他的命,因而他希望他會可憐他。

Where is he ? he said , and at the moment he said it , he caught sight of a young man with a long , thin neck , and half of his head shaven and covered with short hair , coming round the corner of the house between two dragoons “他在哪兒? ”伯爵問道,就在他剛一說完這句話的同時,他看到兩個騎兵夾著一個年輕人從屋角走了出來,這人脖子細長,剃掉半邊的頭又長出了短發。

Guardsman lee williams , 18 , of the desert rats “ royal scots dragoon guards battle group , found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were “ lighter and more comfortable “ than the british footwear 18歲的李威廉是英國“沙漠之鼠“蘇格蘭皇家近衛團衛兵。他在一個廢棄的兵營里撿了雙嶄新的靴子,跟自己的英國戰靴比起來,他覺得新鞋“又輕巧又舒適。

They were swooping down close upon the french dragoons ; there was some confusion yonder in the smoke , and five minutes later the uhlans were dashing back , not towards the spot where they had been posted , but more to the left 槍騎兵向法軍騎兵撲過去,在煙霧蒙蒙中混成一團,過了五分鐘,槍騎兵退了回來,他們不是退回到他們原來呆的地方,而是退向左邊。

He felt instinctively that if he were to charge with his hussars on the french dragoons now , they could not stand their ground ; but if he were to charge it must be that very minute or it would be too late 他以嗅覺感覺到,如果現在與驃騎兵一起沖向法軍騎兵,他們會站不住腳的可是,如果要沖鋒,就得即刻沖鋒,一分鐘也不能拖,否則就遲了。

He saw that the dragoons were near , that they were galloping in no order , he knew they could not stand their ground ; he knew there was only one minute to act in , which would not return if he let it slip 他看見騎兵走近了,他們在奔馳,隊形散亂他知道他們會支持不住的,他知道,時機只在轉瞬之間,稍一放過,就一去不復返了。

A2 : sounds were definitely a familiar sense from sc : bw . stalkers retained the dragoon death sound , probes meow the same , marines get the same high off stim packs , etc 回答1 :神族的聲音讓人驚訝,聽起來感覺非常好。不過, 10個機槍兵和4個維京機甲攻擊建筑的聲音你聽一會兒就會覺得十分厭煩。這可能是個人喜好不同的緣故。

After many desperate attempts against waves of guards , moment arrived ! the wolf ' s dragoons cast the spell and all other clans and witnesses were immediately teleported from the castle 在對一波又一波的守衛聲嘶力竭的攻防后,命運的一刻來臨了! “狼之龍騎兵“血盟完成了念咒,而其余的血盟以及見證者們,立即全被傳送出城了

And count rastoptchin himself and his coachman , and the dragoons , all gazed with a vague feeling of horror and curiosity at these released lunatics , and especially at the one who was running towards them 伯爵本人,以及車夫和騎兵們,都略帶驚恐和好奇地看著這些放出來的瘋子,尤其是那個跑到他們跟前來的人。

In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces : clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement , and out upon the mire - deep roads 他們就像這樣冒著打在面頰上的急雨出發了。馬蹄踏著騎兵式的沉重步伐在市鎮的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥濘里吧噠吧噠走著。

Strike at him ! the officer said almost in a whisper to the dragoons ; and one of the soldiers , his face suddenly convulsed by fury , struck vereshtchagin on the head with the flat of his sword 軍官對騎兵的說話聲幾乎是耳語,于是,一個士兵突然惡狠狠扭曲著臉,舉起一把鈍馬刀砍向韋列夏金的頭部。

Wolf ' s dragoons would like to thank all the clans that participated and will be defending the castle with their allies on thursday , june 17 at 6 : 00pm pdt “狼之龍騎兵“血盟在此要感謝所有參戰的血盟,并且將在美西太平洋時間六月十七日星期四傍晚六點鐘,與友盟一同防守他們的城堡

He spurred his horse , shouted the command , and the same instant flew full trot down - hill towards the dragoons , hearing the tramp of his squadron behind him 他策動了戰馬,發出口令,在此同時,他聽見身后展開隊形的騎兵連的得得馬蹄聲,他們飛奔著沖向山下的騎兵。

A punctilious police official , feeling the presence of the body unseemly in the courtyard of his excellency , bade the dragoons drag the body away into the street 一名忠于職守的警官,發覺尸體擺在大人院內不像話,有礙觀瞻,命令騎兵把它拖到街上去。