
dragonfly 【蟲類】蜻蜓。


Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而淡水對人類,對從蜻蜓到水虎魚乃至從海貍到牛蛙的生存都至關重要。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 它是涉及到人類生存和從蜻蜓、小魚到水獺、牛蛙的廣泛生物的生命源泉。

Some 400 species of invertebrates alone have been recorded from the reedbeds at mai po , including an endangered species of dragonfly 單在米埔的蘆葦叢便找到400多種無脊椎動物,包括一種瀕危的蜻蜓

A total of 112 dragonfly species have been recorded in different types of freshwater and brackish water habitats in hong kong 香港的淡水或咸淡水生境共錄得112個蜻蜓品種,超過四成可在米埔發現。

Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs 然而它卻是人類和廣泛生物生存的必需,從蜻蜓、水虎魚到海貍和牛蛙。

“ green dragonfly “ set up the reclamation boxes on the campus and will send the batteries to department concerned “綠蜻蜓”環保協會在校內設立了回收箱,把回收到的電池統一交由有關部門處理。

Dragonflies spend their larval stages in water , and therefore aquatic environment is vital for their breeding cycles 由于蜻蜓在水中渡過幼蟲階段,故此水生環境對它們的繁殖周期非常關鍵。

Click and “ select “ tools , select a part moving image , then piece together it into a dragonfly of a fullness 單擊“選定”工具,選定一部分,然后移動圖像,把它拼成一只完整的蜻蜓。

Over 50 dragonfly species have been recorded at tai tong stream and one of the species is classified as globally endangered 那里共錄得逾50種蜻蜓,其中一種更是全球瀕危物種。

There were days when she ran round the garden , like a girl of ten , chasing a butterfly or a dragonfly 有些日子她就像一個十歲的女孩子那樣,在花園里追著一只蝴蝶或者蜻蜓奔跑。

Bears and other top predators swipe salmon from the water , and red - footed falcons swoop acrobatically after dragonflies 還有更多棲居在河流流域上的動物, ?們又是怎樣求生呢?

Wwf released key findings of a two - year dragonfly field study programme at the mai po nature reserve today 世界自然基金會今天發表在米埔自然保護區進行有關蜻蜓的研究報告。

Over 30 species of dragonflies and over 50 species of butterflies have been recorded in wu kau tang 此外,那里的大型無脊椎動物尤其多,也是逾30種蜻蜓及逾50種蝴蝶的家園。

Dragonflies and damselflies are semi - aquatic predacious insects with free - flying adults and aquatic larvae 蜻蜓與豆娘屬半水生掠食性昆蟲,成蟲能飛,幼蟲在水中生長。

When the warm summer passes , you and i become a pair of dragonflies circling over a pond in fall 開朗的夏天逝去了,你與我仿佛是在秋天里一個池塘上徘徊的一對蜻蜓。

Perhaps you have never taken time to explore the world of dragonflies in hong kong 香港的蜻蜓或許你從不認識,但它們繽紛多姿的瑰麗色彩卻期待你的欣賞和愛護。

But the flying fauna - birds , butterflies , and dragonflies are much more easily seen by countryside lovers 此外還有蛺蝶弄蝶和灰蝶,每類各有50多個品種。

Dragonflies look enough like wasps or stinging flies to instill trepidation among humans 這種蜻蜓像極了黃蜂,或是帶著刺的飛到人群中讓人害怕的家伙。

These rivulets are good habitats for dragonflies , freshwater fish and some rare amphibians 這一帶的水道很適宜蜻蜓淡水魚和一些稀有兩棲動物生長。