
draggle vt.拖臟,拖濕。vi.1.(裙子等)拖曳;拖臟,拖濕。...


The preacher , instead of vexing the ears of drowsy farmers on their day of rest at the end of the week ? for sunday is the fit conclusion of an ill - spent week , and not the fresh and brave beginning of a new one ? with this one other draggle - tail of a sermon , should shout with thundering voice , “ pause 在周末的休息日里,星期天給難挨的一周一個適當的結局,但并未有煥然一新的開始,代之以傳教士在昏昏欲睡的農人們耳邊冗長且不堪煩擾的說教,是他雷霆般地叫喊: “停下!

Third , a lot of retailers have not realized the centralization of purchase and distribution . low productivity , much error and high operation cost are the very common problems in the distribution of retailers . like a bottle neck , the draggle of logistics construction seriously restrict the development of chinese retailing 論文列舉了其中主要存在的問題:未能實現集中采購、進貨;未能實現統一的存貨和庫存管理;未能實現統一的運輸安排,配送率低;標準化程度低;物流設施落后,物流生產力低;信息化水平低;專業水平低等。

In the pasted 20 years , the development of the economy has taken out much achievement in chaoshan , but in the nearly years , the external investment not only reduced but also pulled stakes , the development of the economy draggle relatively 近20年來,潮汕地區的經濟發展取得了較大的成就,但近年來外投資步伐放慢,甚至撤資遷資,潮汕地區經濟發展出現相對落后的現象。

Under dynamic environment , the primary learning pattern is the switchover learning , which is achieved through the birth of fresh - enterprise , the exit of draggle enterprise , and the inherent enterprise ' s unlearning 在動態環境下,集群的轉換型學習變得重要,其實現技術轉換的途徑主要是通過新生企業的加入、落后企業的退出以及內部企業本身的“忘卻學習” 。