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drag anchor 1.【航海】海錨,浮錨。2.阻力;障礙。

drag chain

Article 28 for cases of opening kilns , burning wasteland for growing crops , lay anchor , drag anchor , fishing by using explosives or dig sand in the legally demarcated power facility protection zone thus endangering the safety of power facilities in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations , the power administrative departments shall order the violators to stop operation , restore to the original and compensate for the losses 第二十八條違反本條例規定,在依法劃定的電力設施保護區內進行燒窯、燒荒、拋錨、拖錨、炸魚、挖沙作業,危及電力設施安全的,由電力管理部門責令停止作業,恢復原狀并賠償損失。

3 . the magnitudes of anchor chain tension caused by heave and pitch is small . so is the effect on dragging anchor . 4 . the depth of water , which anchored ship requires , is to large extent affected by heave and pitch 水深對橫蕩和首搖運動影響較大,水深增加,橫蕩和首搖運動幅度增大,因此,對錨鏈沖擊力增大,即對走錨的影響較大。