
doyen n.〔法語〕 (fem. doyenne )1.(一個團...


Roads and open spaces adorned with their graceful form will acquire key landscape or landmark features . other than appreciating and admiring them as mother nature s creative objects of art , it is not uncommon to find some residents cultivating fond emotional attachments to such doyens of their neighbourhood 在主要的建筑物附近常能找到一棵美麗茂盛的樹。我們除驚嘆造物者的匠心之外,對這些巧奪天工的樹木亦泛起莫名的親切感。對老一輩市民而言,這些樹木揉合莊嚴和高貴,令人肅然。

You know you ' ve made it when you ' re baited by world leaders , copied by doyens of fashion and adored by fans worldwide , throw in a celebrity romance , marriage and children , the drama of physical injury and astronomical earning capacity and you ' ll have some understanding of the person and product that is david beckham 如果,世界領導人追捧你,時尚人士模仿你,全世界的球迷崇拜你;并且,你與某位明星有過一場風花雪月的愛情,然后結婚生子;還有,你經受住了戲劇性的受傷,收入是天文數字的話,你就明白大衛貝克漢姆的感受了。

After the ceremony , musician chau ky , the doyen of the artists circle in saigon , on behalf of these folks extended his thanks to supreme master ching hai and the supreme master ching hai international association 分發禮物后,音樂家朱琦西貢藝人朋友中的長輩,代表其他人致詞感謝清海無上師和清海無上師世界會。

Philip doyen receives between 10 and 20 phone calls a week to “ vent - line “ , a service he launched in february that allows callers to blow off steam - - at a price 菲利浦?杜瓦延每周能收到10至20個打到“出氣熱線“的電話,這項服務是他于2月份推出的,可以讓打電話的人撒氣? ? ?但是要付費。

Reporter : as far as i know , world trade center mumbai and wtca were set up in the same year , so without any doubt , wtc mumbai is the doyen of wtcs 記:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心里面算是元老級的“人物”啦!

China doyen professional golfer mr . zhang lian wei will host a junior clinic and giving signature in the tournament 我國首席高爾夫球員張連偉先生將親臨現場為青少年選手做球技指導及簽名。

Technique will always after the thoughts , in the field of subjective consciousness dominion , doyens unsharp 技術永遠服務于思想,在主觀意識控制的領域里,資格老代表不了什么。

In the firm ' s opinion , the enterprise doyen electric co . , ltd . introduces itself with single phase and electric motor 公司的詳細介紹內包括關于單相和電動機的信息。

Medical instruments ; periosteal raspatories type doyen 醫療器械. doyen式骨膜刮骨刀