
doxy n.〔口語〕1.學說,見解。2.宗教見解,宗教主張,教旨...


Young stephen said indeed to his best remembrance they had but the one doxy between them and she of the stews to make shift with in delights amorous for life ran very high in those days and the custom of the country approved with it 青年斯蒂芬曰,彼記得一清二楚,彼等二人共享有一名情婦,伊實為娼婦是也。 65彼時生活中充滿了欣喜歡樂66 ,伊周旋于二人之間。

Do you think the writer of antony and cleopatra , a passionate pilgrim , had his eyes in the back of his head that he chose the ugliest doxy in all warwickshire to lie withal 難道你以為安東尼與克莉奧佩特拉的作者,一個熱情的香客126 ,兩眼竟長在腦后,單挑沃里克郡最丑的淫婦來跟自已睡覺嗎