
dowry n.1.嫁妝,嫁資。2.天賦,天稟,才能。3.〔古語〕寡...


Although many working brides and their partners are becoming more independent , some still leave all dowry preparation up to the parents 雖然現在許多新娘和她們的伴侶變得更加獨立,有些人還是把準備嫁妝的工作都交給父母。

“ i , “ said danglars , “ have always intended giving my daughter 500 , 000 francs as her dowry ; she is , besides , my sole heiress . “我, ”騰格拉爾說, “我早已準備給我的女兒五十萬法郎作嫁妝,而且,她還是我的獨生女兒。 ”

However , daughters too had some rights to a dowry from her natal family when she married . widows could inherit their deceased husbands “ property 與分產繼承有關的文書最能體現女性在親屬、家族關系中的身分與地位。

He wanted to be practical , and he was going to marry a girl with a huge dowry and end off as a prefet , like his father before him 他想還是要實際一點,像他父親一樣,娶一個帶來一大筆嫁妝的妻子,最后當省長結束一生。

After 10 years of marriage hengameh had decided to claim her dowry of 124 , 000 red roses to punish her very stingy husband 伊朗女子亨格梅赫與丈夫結婚十年后,決定向其索要12萬4千朵玫瑰的聘禮,以懲罰這個大吝嗇鬼。

Given high real estate prices , it is perhaps not a surprise that grooms are getting more say in the dowry items selection 而韓國房地產價位居高不下,讓新郎們負擔更重,也難怪他們在選擇嫁妝的過程中有更多發言權。

As part of her dowry , the bride would bring her personal belongings or trousseau to the home of her new husband 因此,新婚夫婦的家人和朋友穿著與新娘新郎相似的服裝,以此來擾亂想要傷害新婚夫婦的任何邪惡之魂。

He absolutely did not know what he had , how much his debts amounted to , and what he would be in a position to give for veras dowry 他壓根兒不知道,他有多少錢財,他有多少債務,他能拿出什么給薇拉作妝奩。

After a few moths , the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry 過了兩三個月以后,新娘及他的親屬們前來接新娘,把她和她的嫁妝一起帶回丈夫家。

But this time , ju pao doesn ' t want to be jay ' s dowry anymore , he wants to stand out and help himself to openly get a girlfriend 但巨炮這次不想再幫周杰倫作嫁,他要站出來幫自己公開徵女友。

“ i accept it , “ said she ; “ he has a right to pay the dowry , which i shall take with me to some convent ! “我接受了, ”她說, “他有權利作這樣的贈與,我應當帶著它進修道院去! ”

“ if a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged , and lies with her , he must pay a dowry for her to be his wife 出22 : 16人若引誘沒有受聘的處女、與他行淫、他總要交出聘禮娶他為妻。

No family would approve of a daughter marrying a man too poor to afford a dowry and a decent future 因此,一個沒有什么前途,甚至送不起嫁妝的窮光蛋,是沒有人愿把女兒嫁給他的。

Now the europeans will try to woo the beautiful bride and her dowry of hydrocarbons back from beijing 現在,歐洲人將試著去討好這位漂亮的新娘與她從北京帶回的嫁妝? ?碳氫化合物。

“ if her father absolutely refuses to give her to him , he shall pay money equal to the dowry for virgins 出22 : 17若女子的父親決不肯將女子給他、他就要按處女的聘禮、交出錢來。

In societies where the groom had to pay for his bride , the dowry served as a “ return gift 在新郎必須想新娘的佳人支付金錢以迎娶新娘的社會里,嫁妝就起著”回贈禮物”的作用。

“ shall you be able to pay m . cavalcanti the five hundred thousand francs you promise for my dowry ? “您能夠答應我簽訂婚約后就給那五十萬法郎嫁資付給卡瓦爾康蒂先生嗎? ”

If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him , he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins 17若女子的父親決不肯將女子給他,他就要按處女的聘禮,交出錢來。

In that area , women ' s dowry is more than a symbol of wealth , it is also a symbol of power 2在那個地區,婦女的嫁妝不僅僅是財富的象征,還是權利的象征。