
downward adj.1.下方的,向下的,低下的。2.下降的;下坡的;...


This action forces the valve to move downward 這行動強迫閥門向下移動。

To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward 上下移動送卡箱或接卡箱。

But the pressure on the us currency remains downward 但是,美國貨幣依然受到貶值壓力。

A wedge - shaped charge pointing downward 楔形普通圖記一種頭朝下的楔形圖章

The road downward has but few landings and level places 下坡路上很少有落腳點和氣地。

Upward as you inhale , and downward as you exhale 起身時吸氣,下蹲時呼氣。

Position the spout ( hose outlet ) in a downward position 使軟管出水口位于朝下位置。

Put out the forefinger downward and do therotated action 食指向下伸出,做旋轉動作

Single point of rotation creates ideal downward -單點式旋轉確保了力量集中在腹肌。

Even while the world around you spirals downward 甚至當你們周圍的世界開始往下墜落

2 better installed vertically or downward the interface 2最好立式安裝或接口向下

An atom on an excited upper level can execute a downward transition not just spontaneously but also when photons of the radiation field surrounding the atomic interact with it . 處在較高的激發態上的原子不只可以自發地而且可以在它與原子系統周圍輻射場的光子相互作用時發生向下的躍遷。

These investigators tenaciously argued the evolution of stars downward along the sequence ought to be accompanied by a continuous and very substantial loss of mass . 這些研究者就頑固地爭辯說,恒星沿主星序向下的演化,應該伴隨著連續的和很顯著的質量損失。

For any c.g. position, an increase in trim speed from any initial value to a larger one requires a downward deflection of the elevator . 對于任意一個重心位置,平衡速度由它的初始值變化到較大的值時要求升降舵向下偏轉。

Figure 10-4 represents a fluid in a cylinder provided with a piston, on which is exerted a downward force . 圖10-4表示一內貯液體的圓筒,圓筒上面配有密閉活塞,并有一向下的壓力作用在該活塞上。

A dimensionless physics is not so profound as it may sound, nor would it necessarily be a terminus of man's downward probing . 無量綱物理學不像聽起來那么深奧,也未必是人們向深處探索的終點。

The old man limped on before, and warning her of the downward step, which he achieved himself with no small difficulty . 老頭兒蹣跚地走在前面;他自己下臺階很不方便,卻警告她要當心些。

Production estimates have been revised downward for several countries including argentina, brazil, nicaragua, and peru . 有些國家如阿根廷、巴西、尼加拉瓜和秘魯等國的估計產量已經調低。

The clump of laurel in which the criminal lay was in the angle of a road which went zigzagging downward through the forest . 罪犯所躺的月桂樹叢位于一條蜿蜒穿過樹林的道路的拐彎處。