
downswing 下降趨勢。


We need to keep the fiscal reserves at a satisfactory level to meet the cash flow needs of the government in its day to day operation ; to cope with contingencies arising from any downswing in the economic cycle and from unforeseen external events ; and to underpin the stability of the exchange rate for the purpose of enhancing monetary stability 財政儲備有多個重要功能。我們需要把財政儲備維持在適當水平,以應付政府日常運作上的現金流量需求在經濟周期回落或外圍出現突發事件時應急,以及支持匯率,以維持金融穩定。

We need to keep the fiscal reserves at a satisfactory level to meet the cash flow needs of the government in its day to day operation ; to cope with contingencies arising from any downswing in the economic cycle and from unforeseen external events ; and to underpin the stability of the exchange rate for the purpose of enhancing monetary stability 我們需要把財政儲備維持在適當水平,以應付政府日常運作上的現金流量需求;在經濟周期回落或外圍出現突發事件時應急,以及支持匯率,以維持金融穩定。

Among the tools used in other jurisdictions were higher capital adequacy requirements during upswings and lower capital adequacy requirements during downswings , and dynamic provisioning requirements to provide for greater loan provisioning during downswings 其他地區曾使用的工具包括在經濟增長期調高資本充足比率要求在衰退期則調低資本充足比率要求,以及彈性撥備政策以便在衰退期增撥貸款準備金。

To offset the effects of any downswing in the economic cycle , or to cope with the consequences of unforeseen events in the world or the region that would have serious implications for public finance ?消經濟周期回落所帶來的沖擊,以及應付世界或區內的突發事件對公共財政所構成的壓力

The housing market ' s downswing may not yet be over ; and its weakness could prompt consumers to increase their ultra - low saving rates , cutting into demand 房屋市場的衰落趨勢或許尚未結束,而且其疲軟狀態會促使消費者提高原本處在極低水平的儲蓄率,這會降低需求。

By alan farley last updated : jan . 2 , 2002 swing trading can be a great way to profit from market upswings and downswings , but as i ' ve always said , it ' s not easy 波段交易*是在市場上升/下降波段中獲取利益的最好的一種方法之一,但是如我常言,它不是那么容易。

Swing trading can be a great way to profit from market upswings and downswings , but as i ' ve always said , it ' s not easy 波段交易*是在市場上升/下降波段中獲取利益的最好的一種方法之一,但是如我常言,它不是那么容易。

When you attempt a swing using the secret , key the downswing by pushing your right knee inward both to the left and toward the ball 當你要嘗試這個揮桿秘訣的時候,記住用右膝移向左側及移向球位來規范你的下揮桿。

That ' s why his hips unwound so fast on the downswing 這就是為什么下揮桿的時候根可以那么快速的外展他的髖關節。