
downline adv.沿下行(鐵路)線。


Some plan only benefit the top leaders but not for most of the distributors . all the distributors should have the same rights because the downline is the basement to create growth power . if the downline can benefit , your group will be deeper and stable 必須選擇一個所有會員權利均等,且能照顧大多數下線傳銷商的獎金制度,因為下線才是創造幾何成長的真正力量,所以下線獲取的利益愈多,則組織發展的愈深也愈穩定。

These are actual people who come to your website and sign up to your list or your downline program and you can have them as a customer for life and you can keep selling your product or service to them day in and day out 這些都是實際的人來到你的網站,再找你或你的下行節目和名單你可以和他們成為終身顧客可以繼續向他們推銷你的產品或服務日復一日

This is a good system for you to understand and join . a binary system make distributors easy to succeed . no downline generation limit for commissions . a reasonable personal sales volume 以下是usana獎勵制度的特色,這是個值得您來參與并深入了解的優良制度: 1雙軌制兩條下線組織倍增,成功機會大。

Be cautious of plans that claim you will make money through continued growth of your downline , that is , the number of distributors you recruit 警惕那些宣稱在下線(就是你發展的分享者的數量)不斷增加時你會掙錢的計劃。

Choose the plan with an unlimited depth could help you to develop your downline team deeper and more stable . and it will pay you more 選擇不限級數的制度,且能夠使組織向下發展愈深,業績就愈穩固,收入也愈穩定。

At this moment , the only way to manage your large sales downline team is to use usana 6 - 4 - 2 group s power 這時候,可以讓您借力使力全面照顧這么大業務組織下線伴的唯一方法,

The single most important factor for quickly building a large downline is the quality of your prospects 快速組建你的銷售團隊的一個重要決定因素就是你要溝通名單的質量。

What it takes you to recruit a new downline will be different from what it will take your downline 你發展一個新伙伴所采取的行動和你的下線伙伴發展一個新伙伴會不相同。

When you have 100 , 500 or even 1000 downline customers , how would you manage them all 但是,如果您有100位,甚至500位上千位下線伴的時候,

It is the simple and logical strategy of recruiting mlm distributors into your downline 這個簡單并符合邏輯的策略就是:推薦有經驗的直銷商。

When you have 20 or 30 downline customers , you might still be able to manage them 或許您的下線伴成長至20位甚至是30位的時候,

When you have 4 downline customers , you ll still be able to manage them easily 當您有4位下線伴時,您還是可以輕易照顧

1 . the depth of downline 一重視組織的深度:

When you have 2 downline customers , you ll be able to manage them easily 當您有2位下線伴時,您可以輕易照顧

8 the downline sales is always your downline sales 9獎金實領,不會被加權稀釋。